This is probably the shortest blog post we’ve ever published.
My spirit guides have said our only real measure of success is the amount of joy we feel as we travel life’s road.
Music has the power to bring so much joy into our lives, and to unite us with one another — to help us remember we are all one. En-JOY this video.
What brings joy into your life? Please share with us below.
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Keep your questions “on topic” — that is, on the subjects we cover in our blog and newsletter.
Your questions should be of interest to all our readers. If you have personal questions, especially lengthy ones, those would be more appropriately covered in private readings.
Email me your questions. While I cannot guarantee we’ll be able to answer all questions, we’ll do as many as we can.
Hi John,
The magic of music makes my heart sing, my home is always filled with music whether I am working in around the house or just sitting and listening. Thank you, this video is a fine example of what music is and does.
Many hugs,
John Cali
Hi Micki,
Thanks very much for your comments. Music truly does have a magical power that creates joy and brings us closer together.
Big hugs,
I want to say, “Amen” to the previous comments and add that my joy was expressed in my crying like a baby during about half of the video. This music should be known as the “World Anthem.” That and Harry Potter will help save the world.
John Cali
Thanks very much, George, for your comments. It’s often the simple things that make such a powerful difference in this world of ours.
Alex Vachon
Thank you John and Spirit for this video. Living my life can only be joyful if I infuse a sense of boldness and adventure in it. When I reconnect with the idea that there’s no limit to anything, then I feel that I can have everything I want and more. Your video and the music in it makes me feel that way. So thank you again.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Alex. And thank you for your kind comments.
Joy is the heart expressing/emoting love so when you stated, “My spirit guides have said our only real measure of success is the amount of joy we feel as we travel life’s road” you hit the nail on the head. Joy is the physical culminating expression of Love. Can Joy be present without Love? Life is about expressing who we truly are, which is love – our god self. So it follows that when we are being loving we would be joy_filled. Blessings to you and your guides for all the love you share which acts as the catalyst for the joy amongst those who follow your work. Yes, Joy is the mirror of love extended.
John Cali
Thank you very much, Joseph, for sharing your comments. And thank you for your kind words.
Thanks for your inspiration, John and Spirit!
What a wonderful expression of joy that music brings to us… especially out of nowhere!! All of that energy of uplifting music and those children and adults having a wonderful time and big smiles is now imprinted in that area for all to feel when they pass by!
It truly has uplifted me, also!
Love and hugs,
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Jerry! I’m delighted it uplifted you — as I know it has so many others too. This ol’ world of ours can use more that sort of thing!
Love & hugs,
Thanks much, John! Your video added joy to my day.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Claire!
This is beautiful beyond words. Leave it to you to find such a wonderful expression of universal love! My day is happier already. Thank you for the gift.
John Cali
You’re very welcome, Nancy. Glad you liked it.
THIS brought me joy! What a wonderful way to present music.
John Cali
Thank you, Marlene.
John, this sure gave me a boost! One of my favorite pieces, I felt like those little children in the video, ready to dance along…and sing! Music does so much to unite us. Thanks for sharing this one.
John Cali
Glad it gave you a boost, Val. I found it very uplifting too.
John, thank you so much for posting this! Among the things I love about it is the way it brings the joy of orchestra music into a place where folks can see that the mysterious concert hall may not be as stuffy as they think; these are just people, who love music, just as we all do. And as for Beethoven, he may have been an irascible fellow, but he believed, above all else, in the brotherhood of humanity; ultimately, universal love. Thank you again for sharing this!
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Marilyn! Thanks so much for your comments.