Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds. Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts
Image Copyright © 2007 Brandon Wood
The journey by train is long. Looking outside, I see a green landscape, animals and water. I also see people, minding their own business.
In the compartment diagonally across from me there is a young lady. I know for sure that I have never seen her before. But what is never? Is “never” not also “always,” just like the word “nada” sometimes means “nothing” but often also “everything?”
The longer I think about this, it appears to me that indeed I have seen this lady before, experienced and spoken to. Somehow she “feels” known. It’s a kind of unity, a pervasiveness. But I can’t get my grip on it. This familiarity seems to be of another order.
Then her cell phone rings. She answers with a lively “Hi, Nadine here.” She talks briefly with the person on the other side of the line.
I close my eyes, and it feels as if it’s me who is making this phone call. While the physical conversation is about other things, inside it’s about expectations, hope, about what once was and will be.
The sun shines brightly on my face and while I muse about what seems to have happened, the most beautiful colours begin to revolve in my inner view. Yellow gold, scarlet, amber and many more.
The train enters a tunnel and suddenly the colours change, alternating to a deep dark blue, sepia, purple and finally in what I can’t describe in any other way than a woolly pattern of matt blue round flocks, appearing to be static at first, but then along the line starting to revolve around the centre. A tiny small point of light arises, becoming more intense. Gradually the point becomes a little disk, brighter yet, it enhances and while the light becomes brighter, a channel appears, then a tunnel through which I am, in a matter of speech, sucked into unknown vistas.
While part of me knows I am still on the train, another part discovers that I am walking with my twin soul, Nadine, along the path beside a wild river. On both sides straight walls rise upward like a canyon, the slopes becoming higher and higher as the riverbed becomes narrower. It’s hot, but the bright sun is softened by luxuriant foliage along the rocks.
I wonder what we are doing here, yet it all looks so natural. We are looking for something, but what? Is it hope? Is it expectation? Is it something else? Questions, looking for an answer.
First we meet a squirrel, which tells us about the beauty of Mother Nature. A little bit further we encounter a beautiful brown butterfly, which teaches us that although it seems life is finite, such is not the case. Before he became a butterfly, he was born as a chrysalis, and now he sees the world with the perspective of someone from a higher position and can realize things that used to seem impossible.
A little bit further there is a teal floating. Because he is a duck, he can fly as well as walk. The bird tells us that life isn’t just about the obvious things. That there are always solutions in moments when we least expect them, or when you are desperate and your road seems to have come to an end.
We thank the three wise creatures for their good advice and we proceed on.
Finally the canyon has become so narrow that on both sides of the river only the walls of the rocks rise up and no path remains, either on one side or the other. What to do next? We can’t go any further. Good advice is dear. It is then that we remember the words of the squirrel, the butterfly and the teal and decide to find a place to stay for the night. Tomorrow we will decide what to do.
A little bit higher on the slope there’s a shallow cove, with a pleasant temperature. With the help of Nadine’s lighter and little dry sticks we easily found, we make a fire and eat our sandwiches. On the walls and in the light of the flickering fire we discover rock paintings. There are images of hunters, pictures of many stars in the night sky, and one of a bowing antelope acknowledging the grandeur of a black bear who is passing by.
The next day when it becomes light we see a golden eagle flying overhead, as if it wants to confirm all. The bird flies a few rounds and along the way meets a blue heron, which seems to have a message for the eagle. By means of a rapid nosedive he makes it clear to have understood the message.
We watch this while sitting on the edge of the rock, perceiving that the direction in which the eagle flies away will be the direction we shall have to trek further. This will be the direction we will take to achieve the things we came for. Our search into the unseen has taught us how to overcome our fears by utilizing the “knowing” in the sense that is not exclusively dictated by the brain.
After having said this to each other, the advice should be taken to account that it won’t be necessary to rule out the mind. It’s of interest to create a balance between the inner sense and the outer mind in order to achieve this. It is clear now that this was the message that the journey was meant to deliver.
All of a sudden it appears that the swollen river has calmed down and we continue on our path by stepping from one rock to another.
Just then I become aware of my alternate environment, and I am once again looking at the landscape through which the train is passing.
In the compartment diagonally across from me there is a young lady of whom I know for sure I have never seen her before. But what is never? Is “never” not also “always”, just like the word “nada” sometimes means “nothing” but often also “everything?”
Copyright © 2014 Hans Brockhuis
About Hans Brockhuis
Hans Brockhuis is a Dutch lightworker, writer and translator. His bilingual website: Running Fox Pages features spiritual work of himself and others. Working as a translator and editor, he has been and is active in processing various publications, either in English, Dutch or German. See his portfolio here. If you are interested to follow what Running Fox is offering, you may subscribe to his newsflashes. Simply send an E-mail to this address mentioning: “subscribe Running Fox” in the subject line.
Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
Sorry, Susan I meant. I knew it began with S !
Dear Hans,
Wow indeed! Truly mind expanding just to think of what communication is possible if we open our minds and hearts to receive it. Did you also speak with Nadine on the train? Or did you not need to!
I have a recollection of a bus journey when I was about five years old. I was sitting at the back of the bus and a lady boarded and our eyes met. Something exchanged between us. I had the notion it was myself I saw years from then and it just occurs maybe the lady saw herself years ago!
Sarah….I know what you mean about the magic of Ireland, especially the Ring of Kerry. Irish music calls on our ancestral roots as does the landscape. Definitely brings me to ancestral home. With all the troubles in that nation and with so many Irish emigrants over the years I have heard it said that Ireland abides in the heart and not a geographical location to be fought over.
But I degress….Hans, you share very special and awesome experiences with us. Thank you.
Love Margaret x
Hi Margaret. Thanks for your reply. No I did not speak to Nadine on that train. A glance of recognition and a wee nod were quite enough.
Although this story wasn’t inspirend on Ireland, I very much can imagine it did so to you and Susan, one of the other repliers. Maybe this story I wrote way back after my wife and I visited that country is also regocnizable in this respect. It is called: Abigail. If you are interested you can find it here: http://www.runningfox.nl/abigaile.htm
Thanks Hans for the link to Abigail’s story…..I have no words…..food for thought and pondering.
You’re very welcome, Margaret.
Wish you well!
Thank you, Hans, for sharing your beautifully poetic imagery. You actually threw me into a memonry of a trip I had taken to Ireland many years ago and the bus trip around the Ring of Kerry — the music orchestrated by the tour guide plus the scenic journey itself plus my willingness to go on that journey. Very powerful stuff!
Love and blesings,
Thanks Susan. Although this story wasn’t inspirend on Ireland, I very much can imagine it did so to you. Maybe another story I wrote way back after my wife and I visited that country is also regocnizable for you. It is called: Abigail. If you are interested you can find it here: http://www.runningfox.nl/abigaile.htm
Thanks, Hans, for the link to Abigails’s story — I could feel that presence on my tour! I also was happy to leave there when I did, a much wiser being. Perhaps our spirits have met on a different grid and place in time!
Love and blessings,
You’re very welcome, Margaret. And yes, you are right. Indeed there is a possibility that you and me once roamed these merry fields.
Love and Light,
That is really great.
I can relate!
Thank you, Hans!
Thanks for your reply, Martha. Would you tell something about in what way it resonates with you? I’m truly curious,
Pat K
Thanks Pat. Se nding a wow back in return.