The Magic of Meditation

In my personal life, I’ve found meditation a most powerful tool. I’ve meditated every day over 40 years, cannot imagine life without it. It can work magic in your life.


The benefits of meditation are many. It will help and heal you in all areas of your life—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

There are many ways to meditate. Our purpose here today is not to teach you meditation methods. There is plenty of good information on that available today.

What is important is that you choose a method that appeals to you personally.Read more

Are You Ready for Huge Changes?

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 13

Turbulence is life force. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change. ~ Ramsay Clark


People often tell me their hearts are breaking when they see all the huge, seemingly destructive changes on our planet today. It’s tough time to be human, especially for those without a spiritual foundation—and challenging even for those with a spiritual support system.

My dear friend and brother Ted Murray publishes Messages from the Heart, a free daily service. I’ve been following Ted a long time now, and thoroughly enjoy his inspiring, uplifting writing.Read more

Life’s Eternal Questions #1

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 2

You are God. ~ John Cali and Spirit



Over the years, folks have asked us many questions. I’ve recently begun to organize their questions and our answers. So we thought it would be a good idea to occasionally post  those questions and answers. I hope you enjoy this first “installment.”

How do I continue living with my body when my soul has already died?

Your soul cannot die. Your soul is your true self, your higher self, your spirit—whatever word you prefer.
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Transforming Soul Distress: A Profound Meditation by Hans Brockhuis

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 0

There are many ways to create a gap in the incessant stream of thought. This is what meditation is all about. ~ Eckhart Tolle

meditation body mind spirit

This meditation is about transforming your soul pain. Perhaps you do not want this at all, as old pain hurts violently. But on the other hand, it may be possible in one way or another to somehow allow that old pain which blocks access to your true self or soul. You do not know exactly how, but for you, through fear and/or resistance, it is very difficult to get access and everything stays where it is.Read more

Nadine by Hans Brockhuis

Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds. Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Alaska_Railroad_train_led_by_SD70MAC_4324Image Copyright © 2007 Brandon Wood

The journey by train is long. Looking outside, I see a green landscape, animals and water. I also see people, minding their own business.

In the compartment diagonally across from me there is a young lady. I know for sure that I have never seen her before. But what is never?Read more

Running Fox: A Guided Meditation by Hans Brockhuis

Vulpes_vulpes_4Red Fox
Copyright © 2012 by Juan Lacruz

This time I would like to do a guided meditation together with you. So, if you want to go along with me this way, I ask that you find a familiar place, close your eyes and sit down comfortably. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Disconnect the ambient sounds and go along with me back to a time, a number of centuries ago, in a place that is today the United States of America.Read more

Is Your Mind Driving You Crazy? by John Cali

Image by Frank “Fg2” Gualtieri

Buddha once said “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

Until I started meditating many years ago, my mind really was driving me crazy. I can still get distracted, but I’ve found meditation to be a powerful tool for quieting my mind—and body too.

Our modern world holds many distractions. This is not necessarily a bad thing.Read more

Nurture Yourself with a Spiritual Retreat by John Cali

Church in Sicily

This past weekend, I was unexpectedly without internet access or my computer. So I had all this time on my hands with no work to do.

Every now and then my spirit guides urge me to take some time off from work to nurture myself—sort of a “spiritual retreat.” In other words, they say, turn off my computer and phone, don’t answer the doorbell, etc. Preferably get out of town and away from my usual work routine.

Last weekend I didn’t know what to do with myself.Read more

How Can We Help Others Heal? by John Cali

One of our readers recently asked us this question:

When a group meditates and sends love/light/positive energy to a place or people or situation, can this help with healing?”

He also asked several related questions. These included:

  • The ideal size of the group.
  • Specific meditations or techniques.
  • Whether a small group could positively affect our entire society.
  • The number of repetitions needed.
  • And, in general, how to improve a group’s healing effectiveness.

Here are Spirit’s thoughts:

The best way you can help others heal is to heal yourself first.Read more

Exactly What Is Intuition? by John Cali

Alan Alda, one of my favorite actors, once said “At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.”

One of our readers had an interesting response to our recent blog post, Do You Trust Your Intuition? Here’s his email, which I’ve slightly edited:

Like in your example,a car did go through a red light and I ran into it last December, totaling my car.… Read more

Reader Question: What Is the Right Way To Meditate? by John Cali

In response to our last article on meditation, we received a question from one of our readers.

Reader’s Question:

I would really like you to go more in-depth about meditation, John. I never know if I’m doing it “right.” The worst thing is I often fall asleep when meditating, and from what I’ve read, that’s not good. Could you describe a good way to practice it? Much appreciation, John.

My Response:

As I see it, there are no “right” or “wrong” ways to meditate.… Read more

The Heart of the Matter by John Cali

Medical research shows most heart attacks happen between 6:00 a.m. and noon, with Monday mornings being the most common time.

You don’t have to be a cardiologist to understand the research. As with so many other dis-eases, heart problems are often caused by stress. The first part of the day is the most stressful for many, as they contemplate all they have to do that day.

But why Monday mornings? Well, you could make a logical argument that since Mondays are the first day of most people’s work week, that’s the time of highest stress — especially if you hate your job.… Read more

How To Breathe by John Cali

Sounds like a silly title, doesn’t it? Breathing is the most natural process, requiring no conscious attention to it. But most of us don’t know how to breathe well. Nor do we know how to tap into the tremendous power of simple breathing.

My spirit guides often recommend conscious, deliberate breathing exercises, especially to those with anxiety, fear, and other similar issues.


One of the biggest challenges you face in your modern world is stress. Your technology, as powerful and useful as it is, is one major source of stress in your lives.… Read more

How To Harness the Power of Meditation by John Cali

In private readings Spirit often advises people to meditate. I think that’s great advice. I’ve been meditating over 30 years, and it’s immeasurably enriched my life.

So how can you harness the power of meditation? I asked Spirit that question, and here’s what they said.


The power of meditation lies in the fact it removes you from the distractions and attractions of your daily lives, for however long you meditate.

Meditation doesn’t have to take a long time. Even 10 or 15 minutes a day is fine.… Read more

The Price of Sensitivity by John Cali

One recent morning, as I was meditating, I felt a sudden, sharp, stabbing pain in my left leg. At first I had no idea what was going on.

The pain shook me out of my meditative state, and I got to thinking about what was happening. Then it came to me. A close friend was having some health problems, including sharp pains in his left leg.

I intuitively knew I was picking up from him the pain I was feeling. So I sent him love and healing energy.… Read more

The Depression Epidemic: Followup by John Cali

We received some great feedback on our last blog post, The Depression Epidemic. The comments from one of our readers reminded me I had perhaps been a bit insensitive, albeit unintentionally, toward people who’ve found antidepressants helpful.

Here, slightly edited, are some excerpts from the comments, plus my responses:

Reader’s comments:

“I notice Dr. (Andrew) Weil is quoted as saying that drug-based medical solutions don’t work for half the people who take them. I am a member of the other half, and in my experience, when these drugs are appropriately prescribed, they do indeed treat the cause, rather than the effects, of severe depression.… Read more

The Depression Epidemic by John Cali

According to Andrew Weil, MD, “…some substantial percentage of the depression epidemic is manufactured by the medical-pharmaceutical industry.” He goes on to say the industry has convinced many people that ordinary sadness is an abnormal condition, a “disease” that should be treated with drugs.

But even if that “substantial percentage” is removed, Dr, Weil continues, it still leaves us with a huge number of folks with unexplained depression. The number has increased the past 50 years. Depression is particularly widespread in industrialized countries, especially the United States.… Read more

The Peaceful Mind by John Cali

In our article two weeks ago we talked about the ways modern society poisons our minds. This week we’re talking about the opposite end of the spectrum — the peaceful mind.

Meister Eckhart once said “The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling, and more perfect the prayer is.”

I’ve been meditating over 30 years, though I do not consider myself an expert at it. I continually explore the teachings of those I do consider experts, such as Eckhart Tolle in our video of the week.… Read more

How To Live A Healthy Life by John Cali

My spirit guides often have wise advice for those of us still in physical bodies. Here’s a summary of their advice for living a healthy life.

  • Meditate regularly. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Regularity is more important than length.
  • Pay attention to your breathing. Your breath is your most powerful connection to your soul. That’s why conscious breathing and meditation go well together.
  • Pay attention to what you put into your physical body. Eat food as close as possible to its natural state.

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