Meditating with Devi by Hans Brockhuis

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 3

Meditation is freedom from thought and a movement in the ecstasy of truth. Meditation is explosion of intelligence. ~ Krishnamurti

woman meditating

Woman Meditating

Come, while sitting in a comfortable chair, with me on a virtual bike tour through the Dutch polder landscape.

You have closed your eyes and breathed in and out a few times. In through your nose, out through your mouth. In this way you are able to attend to this special meditation in a way that is as lucid for you as possible.Read more

Transforming Soul Distress: A Profound Meditation by Hans Brockhuis

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 0

There are many ways to create a gap in the incessant stream of thought. This is what meditation is all about. ~ Eckhart Tolle

meditation body mind spirit

This meditation is about transforming your soul pain. Perhaps you do not want this at all, as old pain hurts violently. But on the other hand, it may be possible in one way or another to somehow allow that old pain which blocks access to your true self or soul. You do not know exactly how, but for you, through fear and/or resistance, it is very difficult to get access and everything stays where it is.Read more

The Adventure of Life by Hans Brockhuis

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

the adventure of lifeThe Adventure of Life

To my great joy, a few days ago, the English language edition of my book, The Adventure of Life, has been published at America Star Books.

The book offers a journey through all sorts of places, events, and meetings. How do we get there, who do we deal with, and above all, what do we do with it? We may live life just as a series of events that pass us. But if we try to interpret every incident, we do something and we go on with the feeling of having learned something.Read more

Travels in America, Part 4: A Hopi Adventure by Hans Brockhuis


The_Kachina_dance_to_the_rain-god,_Hopi_Indian_village,_Shonghopavi,_Arizona,_by_Underwood_&_UnderwoodKachina Rain God Dance

Have you ever read the book by John Steinbeck about his travels with his dog Charley, in search of the true America? I did many years ago, and remembering this it somehow triggered me to one day travel to the U.S. with my wife. I was also in search of promising and overwhelming landscapes, of people, animals, and the way of living, as well as anything that would come our way. The main reason, though, was to enter on a spiritual journey to the New World.Read more

Travels in America, Part 3: Yellowstone by Hans Brockhuis

Lamar Valley at SunriseLamar Valley at Sunrise, Yellowstone National Park
Copyright © 2009 by Greg Willis

Have you ever read the book by John Steinbeck about his travels with his dog Charley, in search of the true America? I did many years ago, and remembering this it somehow triggered me to one day travel to the U.S. with my wife. I was also in search of promising and overwhelming landscapes, of people, animals, and the way of living, as well as anything that would come our way.… Read more

Blogs and Newsletters by Hans Brockhuis

HansHans Brockhuis

Almost a year ago, in November 2013, my first blog for John Cali’s Great Western Publishing, entitled Thirteen Mountaintops, appeared. I am greatly appreciative to John for the opportunity to circulate my work among his followers.

I have to admit that the issuing of these blogs and formerly those for Planet Lightworker, as well as the appearance of my own newsletters, of which not long ago the 100th (most of them also in English) has been released, always seem to be giant steps for me.… Read more

Travels in America, Part 2: The Gate Is Opening by Hans Brockhuis

Grand CanyonGrand Canyon
US National Park Service

 Have you ever read the book by John Steinbeck about his travels with his dog Charley, in search of the true America? I did many years ago, and remembering this it somehow triggered me to one day travel to the U.S. with my wife. I was also in search of promising and overwhelming landscapes, of people, animals, and the way of living, as well as anything that would come our way. The main reason, though, was to enter on a spiritual journey to the New World.Read more

Travels in America, Part 1: Arizona by Hans Brockhuis

We are the ones we have been waiting for! ~ Hopi Elders’ Prophecy

Have you ever read the book by John Steinbeck about his travels with his dog Charley, in search of the true America? I did many years ago, and remembering this it somehow triggered me to one day travel to the U.S. with my wife. I was also in search of promising and overwhelming landscapes, of people, animals, and the way of living, as well as anything that would come our way.Read more

Nadine by Hans Brockhuis

Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds. Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Alaska_Railroad_train_led_by_SD70MAC_4324Image Copyright © 2007 Brandon Wood

The journey by train is long. Looking outside, I see a green landscape, animals and water. I also see people, minding their own business.

In the compartment diagonally across from me there is a young lady. I know for sure that I have never seen her before. But what is never?Read more

Running Fox: A Guided Meditation by Hans Brockhuis

Vulpes_vulpes_4Red Fox
Copyright © 2012 by Juan Lacruz

This time I would like to do a guided meditation together with you. So, if you want to go along with me this way, I ask that you find a familiar place, close your eyes and sit down comfortably. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Disconnect the ambient sounds and go along with me back to a time, a number of centuries ago, in a place that is today the United States of America.Read more

Quiet Waters: The Ultimate Release by Hans Brockhuis

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

SoulCarriedtoHeavenSoul Carried To Heaven
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905)

One of the few certainties in life is that for all of us the day will come that we are going to leave earth. That very day we will have lived our life. Perhaps as a series of events that have gone by. But maybe you have tried to denote every major incident, to do something with it, and then went on with the feeling you have really learned something.Read more

Life Beyond the Veils by Hans Brockhuis


Stairway To Heaven
© 2006 Till Krech

Eight years ago I had a choice to make: “Are you coming home or do you want to finish your turn?” The temptation to let go was great. The love spoken from these words was so intense that I was truly prepared to leave my earthly body, with all its faults and illnesses, and to reunite with the four women who passed away earlier and who I know will be there to welcome me: my grandmother, my mom, my daughter and my spirit guide.Read more

Soul and Salvation by Hans Brockhuis

page1-389px-Love's_mystery.djvuImage credits: D. R. Niver Publishing Company

An old Dutch saying wants us to believe that if you would sell your soul and salvation, you absolutely would want to sacrifice all of who and what you are. Perhaps to live quietly as a hermit, meditating about what once was, what is and what will be. But that’s not what I want to say with these words.

I want to speak with soul and salvation about Love. Because is it not true that love forms a roof for your soul and salvation?… Read more

Beyond the River by Hans Brockhuis copyright ©2009 by Simon Carey

You are walking through a forest. Sometimes it is hot; sometimes it’s cold. Your feet are bare and the ground is occasionally uneven. Stones lie on your path and now and again the trail seems to vanish. Yet there are also moments along the path that everything seems fine and well; then the trail is mossy with flowers here and there, and you can hear the birds singing their wonderful songs.

You carry a backpack.Read more

The Angel by Hans Brockhuis

AlonsoMdeTovar5Image by Alonso Miguel de Tovar

Today I would like to talk about a happy vacation in the snow of the French Alps, several years ago, together with our eldest daughter, her husband and children, and a friend of the family.

Do I have to tell you in that respect about the caring of our then two little grandchildren, which was awesome in itself? No I do not. We became aware once more how lucky my wife and I are to be the grandparents of these grand little people who find themselves at the beginning of their paths on this Earth of the beloved Mother.… Read more

Golden Gate in the Heavens by Hans Brockhuis


Just moments ago it was raining heavily. The heavens still looked a bit grey, were full of ozone though, and smelled fresh, elated and loaded with expectation.

Askew above me an oval shining golden spot in the veil of clouds attracted my eye. To my surprise and with an elegant swing I unexpectedly rose up from the earth and seemed to travel in the direction of the golden gate in the heavens.

An unseen force took me and I wondered what to expect.Read more