There are so many modern-world influences working against happiness. And yet, as divine beings in human form, happiness is our natural state.
I’m not saying we must be deliriously happy in every moment of our lives. But surely we can be a lot happier than most of us are. So why aren’t we?
Here are some of my spirit guides’ suggestions for finding and keeping more happiness in our lives:
- Embrace uncertainty. You might as well, since you cannot escape it.
- Look for certainty in the only place you will ever find it—within.
- Keep your awareness fully focused in this present moment. It’s all you have anyway.
- Know you are safe and secure right here, right now.
- Count your blessings.
- Appreciate and give thanks for all the blessings you have in your life. You have far more blessings than you think.
- See the beauty in yourself, others, and the world around you. There is far more beauty and good than there is ugliness and bad.
- Give up your obsession with time. Just relax and flow with life.
- If you give up your obsession with time, you will grow younger and healthier with the passing years.
- Spend some quiet time by yourself every day. Meditation is a great way to do this.
- Meditation will make you younger and healthier.
- Give up fear, worry, and doubt. Meditation is a great way to do that.
- Remember who you really are—spirit in a human body. That awareness will draw you closer to your spirit.
- Strive to see the world through the eyes of your spirit. You’ll be amazed at the new sights you will behold.
- The present moment is your gateway to happiness and your access to the world of spirit.
- Know you deserve to be happy.
- Above all, know all is well.
Related links:
Living With Pain or Joy: It’s Your Choice
Real Happiness
Would You Believe You Can Be Happy in Westfield?
Are You Happy?
Are you as happy as you want to be? What changes can you make to increase your happiness? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us. Please keep your comments polite and relevant to the topic of this post. If needed, we’ll edit for clarity. Also, we’ll delete anything we consider inappropriate.
Sarah Drury
Thanks for the lovely post. When I think of happiness I always think of a wonderful old film named Pollyanna. Its about a young girl who is an orphan and is sent to live with her begrudging aunt. Pollyanna is always happy and ALWAYS sees the bright side of every situation, no matter how bleak it may seem. She lights up the room with her optimistic, joyous personality. My young son is a real Pollyanna. He only seems to see the beauty and love around him and he is almost always happy. In fact he has taught me so much about happiness and it is a real joy to share life with him. He teaches me to enjoy being in the moment, sharing the joy and laughter and he has literally taught me how to laugh and be happy after a difficult few years. Children are happiness experts!! And they are our greatest teachers.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Sarah. You are so blessed to have such a wise old soul as your son. As you said, “Children are happiness experts!! And they are our greatest teachers.” Amen!
Thanks, JC!
I’ll love any list you are willing to share from the wisdom you are. Please, more lists. I’m guessing you won’t mind if I hang ’em on my wall.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Lyle!
I’d be honored if you want to hang them on your wall. 🙂
Love, John
Thank you very much John for the list of your spirit guides’ suggestions.
To think over a lot of those suggestions made me very happy.
To realise that there are so many things that you can feel happy about.
Love and hugs,
John Cali
Thank you very much, Pim.
We need to also remember: “The Universe is the SAFEST place in the World”,,, That has always stood me in good stead.
John Cali
I love that, Conshana! 🙂
Thank you again John, it is so good to see these reminders and to open your mind, heart and spirit to achieving them.
Life is wonderful and so much to see and learn, and these sure-fire-keys are what we want to be doing.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love and hugs,
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Micki. You have a wonderful weekend too!
Love & hugs,
Thanks for your list, John, its a great reminder on many ways to stay happy.
I thinks its funny that we only need lists if we are not centered or not focused on the present-moment.
Like a little child, our minds are free to play with the infinite when we know that all is well in all of creation.
Love and hugs,
John Cali
You’re very welcome, Jerry. I find lists very helpful — that may say something about me. 🙂
Love & hugs,