Anger: It’s Time To Let It Go

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

In our modern world there is, arguably, more anger on many fronts than in recent memory.

A reader sent us these thoughts:
“I ask as I struggle, after being wronged by others, to let go of anger and move on to focusing on the joy/challenge of living the rest of my life. How do you deal with injustice and find peace?


You have never been “wronged” by anyone. Every relationship, every circumstance you have ever experienced in this or any other lifetime is purely a co-creation when it involves others.Read more

Deadly Digital Distractions

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. ~ Eckhart Tolle

I started using computers years ago. Back then, I never dreamed we’d be living in today’s world filled with sometimes–deadly digital distractions.

I love technology. I could not do this work without it. But I set limits.

Berna and I recently spent six days in New York City. We noticed probably 80% of the people walking the streets had their eyes glued to their phones. Several of them nearly ran into us for lack of attention.Read more

Present Moment Awareness

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

the future is now

Presence is when you’re no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be more fulfilling than this one. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Recently, someone asked us:
“Is it always possible to be in the present moment?”

Our answer:
“You are always in the present moment. Even when you are thinking about the past or the future, you are doing it in the present moment. Now is all you have.”

But, unfortunately, with many of us, even when our bodies are in the present moment, our minds are everywhere else except in the present moment.Read more

These Secrets To Happiness Can Transform Your Life

posted in: Blog, channeling, happiness | 8

Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. ~ Og Mandino


happy dog

Happy Dog

Did you know August is Happiness Happens Month? Me neither, until just a few days ago.Read more

Sure-Fire Keys To Happiness by John Cali

There are so many modern-world influences working against happiness. And yet, as divine beings in human form, happiness is our natural state.

I’m not saying we must be deliriously happy in every moment of our lives. But surely we can be a lot happier than most of us are. So why aren’t we?

Here are some of my spirit guides’ suggestions for finding and keeping more happiness in our lives:

  • Embrace uncertainty. You might as well, since you cannot escape it.

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The Present Moment Is Your Key to Happiness by John Cali

We humans waste so much of our lives squandering our precious present moments with fear, doubt, and worry.

Here are two of my favorite quotations:

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” ~ Legendary American writer, Mark Twain

The living moment is everything.” ~ English writer and poet D.H. Lawrence

It took me many years before I realized the benefits of living in the moment, and a few more years learning how to do it.Read more

Present-Moment Awareness: How To Get It and Why You Need It by John Cali

Being fully present in each moment of your lives is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and others. Your presence is truly a gift.

We realize your modern world can be a very distracting place. All the more reason to practice presence — full presence in every moment of your waking awareness. Obviously you are physically present in all your waking and sleeping moments. But how often is your mind, your focus off somewhere else?

All you really have is the present moment.Read more