Now Is Forever by John Cali

Many of us have trouble staying in the present moment. And yet, paradoxically, that’s all we have. The present moment — the now — is all there is.

Our video of the week features the song, Now, by Dave Carroll. The song is based on Eckhart Tolle’s popular book, The Power of Now.

We’re doing another major “facelift” to our website, and that’s taken a lot of my time and energy. So this week we’re repeating an article we wrote quite a few years ago, also about the subject of “now.”… Read more

Now Is All You Have by John Cali

About 25 years ago, when I first got serious about my spiritual path, I read all the Seth books. If you’re not familiar with Seth, he’s a spirit guide channeled by the late Jane Roberts in Upstate New York. Over the years, Jane and her husband, Rob Butts, produced many wonderful books of Seth’s far-reaching wisdom.

While some of Seth’s teachings went beyond my intellectual grasp, most of them resonated deeply with me.

I came away from reading and re-reading Seth’s books many times over the years with three major concepts.… Read more