Feathers and Healing by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 0

Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing — peace is the measure. ~ George Melton

buddist-healing-mandalaBuddhist Healing Mandala

In our last post, Signs from Spirit, we talked about feathers and how Spirit often uses them to send us messages. There are many ways Spirit can communicate with us. Some are obvious, others more subtle.

Our dear friend Diotima Markis sent me an email after we published that last post. Diotima is a wonderfully spiritual lady, and a spiritual teacher as well.Read more

Signs from Spirit by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 16

Your angels are always sending you signs of their presence and love, such as feathers, flowers, lights, numbers, and music. ~ Doreen Virtue

black feather from SpiritBlack Feather

One cold and cloudy day in September 1992, my dog Schnapsi and I were strolling through a grove of evergreen trees in Yellowstone National Park. Suddenly there was an energy, a huge presence both of us felt. It was almost overwhelming.

We stopped dead in our tracks and just stood there, wondering what was coming next.Read more