The Time of the Great Awakening

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As you look around the world today and see so many things coming to the surface that are not in line with your own values and the world you want to see, know that you are witnessing the dissolving and releasing of the old way. All these things that have been hidden before and are now coming into your awareness are not the world you want to inhabit or leave to your children or their children. The good news is your desire and passion for creating a new world is being ignited.

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A Model for Global Oneness? by Ian Barnfield

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Yes. Yes, I believe we are getting closer to global oneness, and accelerating. Not that it’s necessarily going to be a smooth ride for everyone – there are those who are in great resistance to this idea, and they’re likely to make things pretty rough for themselves and those around them, but that needn’t be you.

You can surround yourself with like-minded people who are heading the same way – towards peace, harmony, joy and ease. And if those people aren’t around you physically yet then there’s the internet.… Read more