Are You Allowing Life To Touch You?


If you’re paying much attention to the mainstream news media today, you’re aware, perhaps painfully so, of all the turmoil and chaos in our world today. If you’re paying too much attention, scientists call that “doomscrolling.”

Personally, Berna and I pay little attention to the mainstream news—only enough so we know a bit about current events.

A recent article we read reported researchers had concluded exposure to negative news is a “source of vicarious trauma.” In other words, people are dangerously affected despite not experiencing trauma first-hand.… Read more

Your Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

One of our favorite quotes from A Course In Miracles  is in Lesson 204: I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

Do you believe those words are literally true? Or are they just a “figure of speech?”


Your bodies are what you might call a “mixed blessing.” The importance you, as humans, place on your bodies is often inappropriate, to put it mildly.

Why do we say this?Read more

Oneness and Separation

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 2


How can you become one again if you do not first become fully aware of the many illusions of separation you have imposed upon yourselves?

Yes, you certainly are undergoing some serious and heavy challenges on your planet today. Challenges on every level—physical, emotional, economic, spiritual.

You should rejoice you are undergoing such challenges and changes!

The physical manifestation of that new energy flow may still, for a time, appear to you as pain. But your experience of it will be much lighter—and even joyful.Read more

About Prana and Food, Follow-Up

What is the most effective way to take in prana (God energy)?


Prana is all around you. You can’t avoid it. It is God energy. You enhance the intake of it when you pay conscious attention to it—when you deliberately seek to enhance it to energize your physical and mental well-being. You can even heal, yourself and others, instantly.

The most effective way to take in prana varies with the individual. You have to discover this for yourself. Focusing on your breathing is one way.Read more

Befriending Fear

There’s an old Sioux legend about a time of no rain for many months.

Fear grew among the people and spread across their vast prairie lands. It killed everything in its path—people, animals. trees, plants.

But there was a small part of the prairie where a few children and elders were playing, singing, and dancing. And they had invited Fear to join them. Soon, they were all crying.

The wind carried the singing, dancing, and crying out across the vast prairie.Read more

Happiness: An Impossible Dream?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 4

We’ve talked about happiness many times over the years. Probably because it seems an impossible dream for many, especially in today’s crazy world.

The question we often hear is “How can I be happy when the world is going to hell?”

Good question.


We love talking about happiness. Why? Because it’s such an important part of your lives as humans. And yet happiness often eludes most humans.

You even have organizations who specialize in happiness research. While we applaud those dedicated folks who do that, the focus is sometimes too much on the material aspects of human happiness.Read more

The Breathtaking Power Within

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale

Some time ago, I watched an interview with a man who was obviously on a conscious path of spiritual growth. I don’t recall his name. But I’ve never forgotten his words.

He told about the time he was sitting in a cafeteria by himself. Suddenly, a stranger walked up to him, and stared at him for a moment.Read more

13 Ways Your Cat Can Help You Create a Happier Life With Effortless Ease by John Cali and Spirit

CatImage copyright © 2006 by Genesis

I’ve always thought of cats as connoisseurs of comfort—great role models for us humans! They seem to do everything with effortless ease, especially sleeping. 🙂

Here are some of Spirit’s and my thoughts about the lessons cats can teach us:

  • Be your own person—learn not to care what others think of you.
  • Rise to your challenges. If you don’t catch that mouse or bird, know you will the next time.
  • Relax—treat yourself to comfort whenever you can.

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