Slow Down—It’s Life-Changing

America is a country that doesn’t know where it is going, but is determined to set a speed record getting there. ~ Laurence J. Peter, Canadian educator

We live in a dizzy world filled with distractions literally everywhere we turn. It seems no matter what we’re doing, we’re constantly being hounded by someone or something pressuring us to do something else. Or to do more, often more than is humanly possible.

We live in a world where there are only two speeds—fast and faster.Read more

Here’s How You Can Help Create Peace on Earth by John Cali & Spirit

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For centuries now we’ve tried everything else; the power of wealth, of mighty armies and navies, machinations of diplomats. All have failed. Before it is too late, and time is running out, let us turn from trust in the chain reactions of exploding atoms to faith in the chain reaction of God’s love. Love—of God and fellow men. That is God’s formula for peace. Peace on earth to men of good will. ~ Cardinal Richard Cushing, 1895–1970

dove of peace

The Dove of Peace

Many of you are familiar with James Twyman, also known as The Peace Troubadour.Read more

Having Fun Can Save Your Life by John Cali

Anatomy of an Illness, a 1979 New York Times best-selling book, tells the inspiring story of Norman Cousins’ full recovery from a crippling disease, simply by having fun.

Those of you who’ve been around as long as I have probably remember Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review. Cousins and the magazine are long gone, but his story is unforgettable. He used the power of laughter and comedy to cure himself of a life-threatening disease. In other words, by having fun.… Read more