Savior of the World

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

Today, as you know, the Christian world celebrates Christmas, the birth of its savior, Jesus Christ. But what is a “savior?” Do you consider yourself a savior? Probably not.

“Only the voice of ego would see a difference of being the savior of the world and a street sweeper.” The Way of the Heart by Jayem

A few years ago we wrote a post about a real-life street sweeper, a man I knew from my childhood.


Every one of you reading this—no exceptions—was born to be a savior of the world.Read more

The Unforgettable Street Sweeper

posted in: Blog, channeling, kindness | 5

Your angels often come to you well-disguised. ~ John Cali & Spirit


In my younger days, one of our family’s neighbors was a street sweeper—a pretty humble vocation. Like my family and most of our neighbors, Giuseppe and his family were Italian immigrants.

We lived in a small farm town, where almost everyone was friendly. With one exception.

The “Americans,” as they called themselves, harshly discriminated against the Italians. Even in our little Roman Catholic parish, the pastor required segregated seating.Read more