Savior of the World

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

Today, as you know, the Christian world celebrates Christmas, the birth of its savior, Jesus Christ. But what is a “savior?” Do you consider yourself a savior? Probably not.

“Only the voice of ego would see a difference of being the savior of the world and a street sweeper.” The Way of the Heart by Jayem

A few years ago we wrote a post about a real-life street sweeper, a man I knew from my childhood.


Every one of you reading this—no exceptions—was born to be a savior of the world.Read more

The Vision, Part 2

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Last week we spoke of a vision Berna and I had about a year ago. This week, Spirit will give us their thoughts about visions—what they are and why we experience them.


Visions, such as Johnny described last week, are far more common than most of you know. You just do not generally recognize them when they come to you.

First, let’s talk about who “you” are.

One of Johnny’s and Berna’s spiritual resources is A Course in Miracles.Read more

The Vision, Part 1

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 15

About a year ago, Berna and I were spending the day at a lake up in the hills south of town. I was sitting at a picnic table just enjoying the cool, sunny day. Berna was taking a walk along the lakeshore.

As she returned to the picnic table, the lake was behind her. I watched her as she walked toward me. I glanced behind her and there, walking on the water, were one of my spirit guides and the one we sometimes call Jesus.Read more

Do You Know Where You’ll Go When You Die?

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 10

You have traveled in dreams while safe at home with Me. ~ A Course in Miracles

angel in heaven

A few weeks ago someone asked me, “Do you know where you’ll go when you die?” My answer: “Yes.”

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon, and I was enjoying a few hours off from my work. The loud knock at my front door brought me abruptly out of a lazy, peaceful place.

There were two men at the door, and I knew instantly why they were there.Read more

The Myth of Jesus by John Cali

Our friend, Melody Fletcher, publishes a great blog, Deliberate Receiving, all about Law of Attraction. She recently wrote a blog post, If We Create Our Own Reality, How Did Jesus Get Crucified?

An obviously thought-provoking title, especially if you grew up Christian, as I did.
Here are some thoughts on the subject — from me, my spirit guides, and Seth (the spirit guide channelled by Jane Roberts).


I abandoned the traditional Christian view of Jesus many years ago. As a result, my family is still wondering if he’s going to “save” me, or if I will burn in hell.… Read more