The Magic and Mystery of Time

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

We’ve talked about time several times over the years—what it is, what it is not, how we can better understand and use it.

Here, in no particular order, are some of Spirit’s thoughts on the magic and mystery of time.

  • Linear time is a convenient invention you’ve created to help you make sense of your experiences in a physical body.
  • You can always alter your perception of time, and how you experience it.
  • Time, as you perceive it, is a myth.

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The Doors of Perception

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 6

perception dominates

Every day you look out at the world around you through the doors of your perception. How real is that perception? What if you’re making it all up?

You may have heard the story about a wise old guru who always had the perfect answer for every question.

One day, someone told the guru he was moving to Chicago, and wanted to know what the city was like. The old guru asked, “What is the city where you live now like?”Read more

A Little-Known Fact about Reality

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Perception is a mirror, not a fact. ~ Lesson 304, A Course in Miracles

welcome to reality

This morning, I came across what some would consider a revolutionary article. It suggested reality is not objective. The article was based on a new quantum physics experiment, reported in MIT Technology Review.

Among other things, the article said, “…under the right conditions, two people can observe the same event, see two different things happen, and both be correct. (Emphasis is mine.)

What many might consider revolutionary is the idea both people can be correct.Read more

The Unforgettable Street Sweeper

posted in: Blog, channeling, kindness | 5

Your angels often come to you well-disguised. ~ John Cali & Spirit


In my younger days, one of our family’s neighbors was a street sweeper—a pretty humble vocation. Like my family and most of our neighbors, Giuseppe and his family were Italian immigrants.

We lived in a small farm town, where almost everyone was friendly. With one exception.

The “Americans,” as they called themselves, harshly discriminated against the Italians. Even in our little Roman Catholic parish, the pastor required segregated seating.Read more

Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions by John Cali

I’ve always been fascinated by this subject. But I didn’t really believe it was possible. That is, until I saw it happen right before my eyes.

One day many years ago I was leaving my office to go home. I went to my car, reached in my pocket for my car key. It wasn’t there. I looked in the driver’s side window, and there was my key, still in the ignition. Since I locked all the doors, I had a problem.… Read more