Unlimited Abundance Is Yours by John Cali and Spirit

Money is just as holy as meditation, just as sacred as prayer. It is a wonderful part of God. ~ Neale Donald Walsch


Most of us, one time or another, have struggled with abundance issues, particularly money — giving it and receiving it. The struggle is magnified if we really believe the universe is unlimited, yet see no evidence of it in our lives.

I recently received a letter from a dear friend, one of our readers. She was asking about all the emails she gets (as many of us do) from well-known spiritual teachers. Often, she said, the emails are trying to sell you something. This makes her uncomfortable, as it seems the teachers are only trying to “make a buck.”

She wanted to know what my spirit guides and I thought of this. With her permission, I’m including our email exchange below, slightly edited and abbreviated.


I know this is an issue for many folks. Being on both sides of these situations, I think I understand both.

Many doing spiritual work offer a lot of free information and advice to others. They offer free newsletters, free seminars, free books, etc.

Many donate their time, money, and other resources to charitable organizations, and to causes expanding human consciousness.

I know not everyone has the money to pay for the products and services these spiritual teachers offer. For example, our private readings can be too expensive for some folks. But when someone sincerely wants and needs a reading, and does not have the money, we will do the reading free. I know many others in my line of work who also donate their time and talents to those without the money.

On the other side of the coin, I also realize many people doing “spiritual” work have few or no other sources of income than their work.

So that’s my long-winded answer to your question. 🙂 I hope it helps.

Reader’s reply

John, thanks for your reply. It is  not long-winded at all. It is a real eye-opener!

I know I have trust issues (around money and abundance). And they then lead me to doubting if any of this is true. Not just this — anything, myself included. I never even considered all of the work you and they do, all the time you put into writing, all of the freebies.

John, I apologize for being so short-sighted. I’m so grateful you’ve brought this to my attention. Another prayer answered!


You’re most welcome. And no apologies are needed.

Actually, you helped me too. Because in explaining things to you, I got a clearer vision and greater appreciation for all of us involved in these exciting spiritual adventures. We are all givers and receivers. We’re all in it together.


That was the end of our conversation. Here are some thoughts from Spirit.


Money is simply flowing energy.

When you focus on getting into the flow of energy from your spirit, all the resources you need to manifest your heart’s desires come to you, easily and effortlessly. Those resources include money.

You have available to you all the money in the universe, since money is simply one form of energy. Energy is limitless and infinite. So is money.

Life, as your spirit intended it, is not a game of struggling to seek and find. It’s a game of remembering.

Remembering who you are. Remembering all you seek is within you. Remembering you are good and worthy. Remembering you are a citizen of the universe, a child of God. Remembering you deserve all the abundance the universe, your spirit, and God want to give you. Remembering you are God.


Adapted from the Spirit Oracle Cards by John Cali, Frederic Calendini, and Stephanie Quesada (2014)

Copyright © 2015 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


In this video Esther Hicks and Abraham talk about allowing the flow of money into (and out of) our lives.




Related posts:

Creating Money
Lightworkers and Financial Struggle
Niagara Falls


Do you believe we live in a universe of unlimited abundance? Why? Or Why not? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


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About John Cali

Writer and publisher John Cali talks to ghosts and dead people. He writes about these adventures at his blog and website, and in his upcoming book, Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1.

He’s written 10 books, and numerous articles on aviation, the environment, business, real estate, and legal education for various publications, including The American Bar Association Journal, Aircraft Interiors, and National Neighborhood News.

Subscribe to his newsletter and receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.

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6 Responses

  1. Margaret

    Thank you for this timely reminder. I have been trying to understand we don’t have to EARN our living but I got a little off target recently because outgoings continue to exceed income. So how wondetful.to receive an abundance of positive and wise ideas from this week’s offering. I really have got back on track again.
    I love the idea that when nothing seems to be coming in how the need is actually to give something out.
    As I was once taught, the true currency is love and it needs to flow.

    Thank you again 🙂
    Yours overflowing

    • John Cali

      Thank very much, Margaret. I’m delighted the message helped you get back on track. Most of us get off track now and then. But we always have whatever and whoever we need to get us back on the path.

      I love your idea that true currency is love. Indeed it is, and there is an abundance of it!


  2. Joseph

    This is a very personal subject as I have experienced both comfortable abundance then lost everything almost in the blink of an eye. Why me???
    For a while that was my focus, but fortunately that led me to my looking inward for my answers. I eventually learned that my soul, not my ego or subconscious mind, was behind my creation of lack. In actuality my soul was blessing me with the chance to chose to see the world from the inside out rather than the outside in. For me it became a means to an end; the end being expanded enlightened awareness. Almost magically my basic needs were taken care of (even though at times a particular circumstance didn’t seem that way). I also learned each of us individually need an experience of our own if we are to authentically learn/feel it then later share it with others [firsthand experience seems to be essential here on planet earth].
    So rather than blaming God, your parents, your boss, your ego or subconscious mind, or anyone else, consider that maybe it was your own soul that pushed you into creating your limitations in order for you to learn/remember who are really are – an aspect of God/Love/a Creator Being.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Joseph, for sharing your beautiful, inspiring story. We do create our own realities. I agree with you — all our experiences, painful or pleasurable, are for one purpose — to remind us we are God.

  3. jerry pottle

    Hello John,

    This is a great subject since it touches all of us all the time.

    It seems to me that money is an example of what is real. The paper itself and the ink hasn’t much value, it is our faith in it as a symbol. So it seems that this then reflects on how we feel about ourselves, not necessarily in how much we have but do we allow it to flow both ways in a balanced manner. Like any aspect of our life, if we observe how we deal with the different energies within us, it is reflected back to us from the outside.

    Thanks again, John!
    Much love

    • John Cali

      Hi Jerry,

      Thanks very much! As you say, the subject touches all of us all the time.

      Your words are very wise. It’s not the symbols of money (the paper, ink, coins, etc.) that matter — it’s the energy they represent. And how we deal with energy. It’s a fascinating subject!

      Much love to you also, Jerry,

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