
posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 1

Since many people are labeled with autism these days, we think readers might be curious about Spirit’s perspective on this subject.


Autistic people are drawn inside. They close themselves off in a way. They want as little stimulation from the outside as possible.

All these busy energies, the confusion everywhere, the insincerity of people—they pick these up and they make their minds wild, so to speak.

They are so sensitive to these outside influences, because they are spirits with a higher vibration than the average person.… Read more

The Power of Intention

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

Spirit and Berna had a recent conversation about intention. Her question to them was Can you tell us more about the concept of intention?


It is a powerful concept, a powerful tool in your spiritual toolbox. Your intention is everything, because with your intention you can literally change the path of your life. Nothing can be achieved without intention, a clear and powerful intention.

Any time you form an intention (for example, if you want to heal your body of something) you first form the intention to accomplish the healing.Read more

The Master Within

posted in: Blog, spiritual power | 2

Many of us grew up being taught to always seek help and wisdom outside ourselves. Growing up in a Roman Catholic family, that was certainly my experience. And maybe yours too.


  • All of you are masters. The only differences that exist among you are the various levels of awareness of your mastershjp.
  • We know many of you have spent much time reading books, attending classes, consulting spiritual teachers, and so on. There’s nothing wrong with any of that.
  • But there must come a time when you let all that go, and consult the master within.

Read more

Did You Miss the End of Time on September 23?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 17

…all endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time. ~ Mitch Albom, author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven


In case you missed it, the world was supposed to end last month on Saturday, September 23. That was the theory promoted by David Meade who calls himself a “specialist in research and investigations.” Oddly enough, Meade said he didn’t really expect it to happen. Obviously, it did not—at least not for you, if you’re reading this.Read more

How To Predict the Future

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 4

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ~ Alan Kay


It doesn’t take a psychologist to see why so many people are totally stressed out today. Our world is experiencing more chaos and confusion than it has in recent memory, or perhaps ever. The stress can take many forms: illness, broken relationships, anger, fear, depression. And the litany goes on.

People are frantic in their search for peace of mind. One place they search is the future.Read more

Are You Scared of the Law of Attraction?

posted in: Blog, channeling, law of attraction | 6

There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else. Law of Attraction does not promote injustice. Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you. ~ Abraham-Hicks


This is the next post in our ongoing question-and-answer series.


What is the best way to clear bad karma?


There is no such thing as “bad” karma. Karma is simply cause and effect—what you sow, you reap.

If you’re sowing negativity, negativity will return to you.Read more

Life’s Eternal Questions #2

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

. . .the meaning of life is the most urgent of questions. ~ Albert Camus



This week we’re continuing our question-and-answer series.


I think I once heard Abraham (Hicks) say that when someone is victim in a life-ending accident or crime, the consciousness pulls itself back just before the real experience, so that the human (body) doesn’t feel anything of it. I find that a very comforting thought.

I would love to hear Spirit’s perspective on this.


That is generally exactly what happens (though not always) in the case of a human or an animal dying.Read more

Now Is the Time for You To Know the Truth about the End of the World

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 22

Apocalypse: The complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation. ~ Oxford Dictionary



In a recent letter, a reader wrote us, “I, for one, would love to hear what Spirit has to say about these times we are living in.”

So without further ado, here is Spirit.


Humans have been predicting and dreading the destruction of life on earth, the end of your world, for centuries.

Guess what? The world really is ending.Read more

Why Is the World So Screwed Up?

Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. ~ A Course in Miracles

every day is a new adventure, a new beginning

Every Day Is an Adventure, A New Beginning

Some of the most frequent questions we get in private readings go something like this:

  • Is there something wrong with me?
  • What’s going on with my body?
  • Why am I feeling so scattered and scared?
  • Why is the world so screwed up?

Most of us, particularly if we’re spiritually conscious and aware, have probably asked ourselves those questions, or something similar.Read more

The Spiritual Power of Pets

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 6

The more we learn of the true nature of non-human animals, especially those with complex brains and corresponding social behavior, the more ethical concerns are raised regarding their use in the service of man—whether this be in entertainment, as “pets,” for food, in research laboratories, or any of the other uses to which we subject them. ~ Jane Goodall



Sleeping Dog and Cat

Today we’re doing something a bit different. I hope you enjoy it.

The following is an excerpt from a book by the late Reverend Diane K.Read more

Beyond the Veil of Death

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 6

To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter

angel on the road to heaven

Angel on the Road to Heaven

You may remember David Thomas and Matt Klinck, the filmmakers of Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America. David recently told me about Matt’s seemingly untimely death.

Two months ago, Matt was murdered in Belize, where he had a film production company. As you might expect, his death came as a huge shock to David, and to me also.Read more

The Simplest Way to Make the Best of Other People’s Opinions

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 14

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions. ~ Albert Einstein

always trust yourself above other people's opinionsTrusting Yourself Is Always a Good Start

I still remember the time, years ago, when I got my first “hate mail.” It almost literally knocked the breath out of me. I wondered how anyone could hate this work I do that much.

Since then, of course, I’ve gotten a lot more.Read more

Do Opposites Really Attract? by John Cali & Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, law of attraction | 4

Your prayer causes you to focus, and the Law of Attraction causes everything in the Universe that’s in vibrational harmony with your focus to come to you. ~ Abraham-Hicks

Day and night are the same

Day and night are not opposites, only different aspects of the oneness

One of our readers sent us this letter a while back:

Hi John,

I hope all is well with you.

I would like to run a question (by) you. I trust your insights.

If Law of Attraction is working everywhere, where people and things tend to attract what is similar to them, why are humans attracted by the other sex, looking or even craving for features that are very different—even the opposite of ourselves, at least physically?Read more

The Big Bang and Human Consciousness by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 6

In the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded. ~ Sir Terry Pratchett, British author

The Big Bang

The Big Bang

Last week we received a letter from one of our readers, Cinda Miller. With her permission, here’s what she wrote:

Dear John,

I wanted to run something by you and see if it has a ring of truth to it. This is a thought that occurred to me the other day and in order to make sense from a thought I have to write it down.Read more

What Is the Purpose of Life? by Martha Magee

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 10

The purpose of life is soul growth. ~ Martha Magee

spirit in human formSpirit in Human Form

We have many lifetimes, an infinite amount to achieve this purpose (of soul growth). Each lifetime is a learning experience that we choose. Every aspect: our birth, what roles we will play out, karmic issues to be worked out, our parents, our country of origin, hometown, economic-social status, our bodies, our families, ethnic persuasion, beliefs, mental capacity, psychic abilities, constitutional strengths/weaknesses, soulmates, marriages, children, pets, livelihoods, lifestyles, vulnerabilities, talents, affinities, gifts, passions, challenges, addictions, persuasions, preferences, diseases, handicaps, injuries, wounds, accidents, intentions, relationships, friends, hobbies, incarcerations, triumphs, achievements, afflictions and spiritual goals, are ALL chosen by us—for purposes of soul growth.Read more

Happy, Healthy, Dead by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years. ~ Bertrand Russell

 happy peopleHappy People

Our title today is taken from a conversation with Esther Hicks and Abraham. They were saying we can live long, healthy lives, and then die happily. Hence, “happy, healthy, dead.” I love that!

As those of you who follow Abraham know, they often say death is not serious.Read more

Unlimited Abundance Is Yours by John Cali and Spirit

Money is just as holy as meditation, just as sacred as prayer. It is a wonderful part of God. ~ Neale Donald Walsch


Most of us, one time or another, have struggled with abundance issues, particularly money — giving it and receiving it. The struggle is magnified if we really believe the universe is unlimited, yet see no evidence of it in our lives.

I recently received a letter from a dear friend, one of our readers. She was asking about all the emails she gets (as many of us do) from well-known spiritual teachers.Read more

A Funny Ghost Story by John Cali and Spirit

The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Copyright  © 2013 by John Cali

I’m getting ready to return home from this past Thanksgiving week. So this is a short post, perhaps the shortest we’ve ever done.

You may remember a post we did last year, Farewell To Caesar, about the death of Caesar, a cat in my family.

Since he died Caesar has come to me quite a few times.… Read more

Do You Really Know Who You Are? by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling | 16

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha

Copyright  © 2005 by Vajra Mudra

Kirk Douglas, legendary actor and Hollywood icon, tells a deeply thought-provoking story.

Some years ago he was driving down the freeway in Southern California when he spotted a young man hitchhiking.… Read more

Dying Is the Easiest Thing You Will Ever Do by John Cali and Spirit

Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity, for after a while the exuberant, ever-renewed energies of the spirit can no longer be translated into flesh….The self outgrows the flesh. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts After Death
Copyright © 2009 by Jonathan Kington

Our title is taken from a discussion on death in the movie, Tuning In. A few years ago I would have thought those words were absolute nonsense. But not any longer.

Yesterday I was reading Adventures of the Soul, a new book by James Van Praagh, the famous psychic medium.… Read more

What Are Miracles? by John Cali and Spirit

The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. ~ A Course in Miracles

Video 23 0 00 35-24Image by John Cali

One night about 35 years ago I was leaving my office in Arlington, Virginia. As I approached my car in the parking lot it was getting dark and no one else was around. Then I realized I’d locked my keys in the car that morning.

I searched the entire parking lot, hoping to find something I could use to pry open the car door lock.Read more

How Do You Respond To Constant Complainers? by John Cali and Spirit

Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. ~ Og Mandino

SadFaceImage Copyright © 2013 Karen Mulholland

Most of us know at least one someone who is constantly complaining. Maybe that someone is you. I was like that when I was younger. And I still catch myself at it now and then. But the difference now is I almost immediately see what I’m doing—and stop it.

This past week I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject.Read more

There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Illness by John Cali and Spirit

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~ Hippocrates

Image Copyright © 2008 by

We recently received a letter from a good friend who’s been dealing with chronic pain and illness for years. I know there are people reading this who’ve had the same challenge.

So I offered to publish my friend’s letter in our blog with the hope those of you in similar situations will share with her your experiences, and how you’ve coped with it all.Read more

Channelling, Imagination, and Trust by John Cali and Spirit

Everything you can imagine is real.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Angel_Candle_LightImage Copyright © 2011 by Gowri Sanka

In my work people often ask my spirit guides or me how they can learn to channel. While we don’t teach channelling, I am always glad to share with folks my experiences in learning to channel, and in now actually doing it as my only work.

So I’d like to share with you today how it all started for me. If you’re interested in channelling I hope my experiences will give you the incentive to just go ahead and do it.Read more

Angels, Demons, and Pope Francis by John Cali and Spirit

Luca_Giordano_-_The_Fall_of_the_Rebel_Angels_-_WGA9019Artist: Luca Giordano, 1632—1705

As some of you know, I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church, and spent many years in Catholic schools. I graduated from a Jesuit college.

I loved the Jesuits because back then, when the church was still entrenched in the Middle Ages (it seemed to me), they were the vanguard, the forward thinkers.

Nonetheless, the Jesuits still taught traditional theology and philosophy. But they added an exciting new perspective, in contrast to everything I’d been taught before.Read more