Abundance and the Coronavirus

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6


Many folks, perhaps including you, are suffering financially because of the coronavirus. Some have lost their jobs, their life savings, nearly all their financial support. This includes some among our friends and families.

These times are among the most challenging and heartbreaking many have experienced in this entire lifetime.


Let’s begin with what money really is. It is not little strips of paper or metal pieces, especially so-called “precious metals.”

These things are valuable only because humans consider them valuable.Read more

Easter Sunday

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 4

Easter Sunday new life

Tomorrow, various traditions around the world will observe Easter Sunday. What is Easter? Here’s Spirit’s perspective.


The religious cultures many of you have experienced have misled you on the true meaning of Easter.

You were taught Jesus suffered and died an agonizing death on the cross—all to atone for your “sins.”

We realize what we’re saying here will certainly be controversial among some, perhaps even blasphemous.

But Jesus did not die for your sins. He never had any intention of doing that.Read more

The Power of Oneness

“That the message We Are All One, interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, with God/Life/One-another, is the one spiritual message that the world has been waiting for to bring about loving and sustainable answers to humanity’s challenges.” ~ Global Oneness Day 2017 


As I’m sure many of you know, last Tuesday was the 8th yearly celebration of Global Oneness Day, sponsored by Humanity’s Team, founded by Neale Donald Walsch.

What follows is a bizarre true story of oneness, told to me many years ago by a dear friend who was there.Read more

Are You Scared of the Law of Attraction?

posted in: Blog, channeling, law of attraction | 6

There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else. Law of Attraction does not promote injustice. Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you. ~ Abraham-Hicks


This is the next post in our ongoing question-and-answer series.


What is the best way to clear bad karma?


There is no such thing as “bad” karma. Karma is simply cause and effect—what you sow, you reap.

If you’re sowing negativity, negativity will return to you.Read more

Life’s Eternal Questions #1

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 2

You are God. ~ John Cali and Spirit



Over the years, folks have asked us many questions. I’ve recently begun to organize their questions and our answers. So we thought it would be a good idea to occasionally post  those questions and answers. I hope you enjoy this first “installment.”

How do I continue living with my body when my soul has already died?

Your soul cannot die. Your soul is your true self, your higher self, your spirit—whatever word you prefer.
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Garbage Eyeballs

posted in: Blog, channeling, positive thinking | 6

No matter what you are looking at, you can find something wrong with it, something imperfect, something that is not okay with you. Don’t worry, if you look hard enough you’ll find it. ~ Neale Donald Walsch

human eyeball


Many years ago, one of my first spiritual teachers had a favorite phrase he often used: “garbage eyeballs.”

I thought it was funny when I first heard him use it. But then I realized he was making a great point with those two words.Read more

Remembering September 11, 2001

posted in: Blog, channeling, peace on earth | 6

The White Dove of Peace on Earth

In preparing to write this post, I was searching through some quotations on war. Here are several of my favorites:

  • Sometime they’ll give a war and nobody will come. ~ Carl Sandburg, American poet, writer, and editor
  • You can no more win a war than you can an earthquake. ~ Jeannette Rankin, first woman ever elected  to the United States Congress, in 1916, from Montana
  • War may be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.

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Opposite Field by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual films | 0

You fall in love with films because films help you fall in love with life. ~ Neale Donald Walsch


Preview of June 2015 Volume 6 of Spiritual Cinema Circle Films from Gaiam TV

in orbit for eternityOrbit Ever After

A touching comedy taking place in an unspecified future when life on earth — and above it — boils down to fundamental survival. Can a boy and a girl find happiness together when they see each other only once every orbit?

20 minutes in English.Read more

If I Had Wings by John Cali

posted in: Blog, spiritual films | 0

You fall in love with films because films help you fall in love with life. ~ Neale Donald Walsch


Preview of April 2015 Volume 4 of Spiritual Cinema Circle Films from Gaiam TV

Alive to Possibility

Explores the challenges facing three men from different social classes: a window-washer living in south central Los Angeles, an affluent conductor living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a performing magician. Uniting them is that they have each decided that their problem is not what life has thrown at them, but is instead their own perception of their situation.Read more

Unlimited Abundance Is Yours by John Cali and Spirit

Money is just as holy as meditation, just as sacred as prayer. It is a wonderful part of God. ~ Neale Donald Walsch


Most of us, one time or another, have struggled with abundance issues, particularly money — giving it and receiving it. The struggle is magnified if we really believe the universe is unlimited, yet see no evidence of it in our lives.

I recently received a letter from a dear friend, one of our readers. She was asking about all the emails she gets (as many of us do) from well-known spiritual teachers.Read more

Spiritual Cinema Circle by John Cali

You fall in love with films because films help you fall in love with life. ~ Neale Donald Walsch




I’ve been a fan of the Spiritual Cinema Circle ever since it was founded in 2004 by Hollywood filmmaker Stephen Simon and psychologists Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. While in Hollywood Stephen produced spiritually themed movies such as Somewhere In Time, with Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour, and What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr.

The Circle has since grown into a global community of folks who love inspiring movies with spiritual themes–movies which Hollywood doesn’t think there’s a market for.Read more

After You Read This You’ll Never Need To Make Another New Year Resolution Again by John Cali and Spirit


I pretty much gave up making new year resolutions years ago. But I’m making an exception for 2014. This year I’m resolving, simply, to love myself as I’ve never loved me before.

Here are some of my Spirit’s and my random thoughts on how we can all do just that.

  • The past is over. The future does not exist. Be here now—it’s all you have.
  • The only reason to look back at the past is to help you appreciate how far you have come.

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Does Life Scare You to Death? by John Cali

Fear is one of the biggest challenges we humans deal with every day of our lives. But is there really anything to be afraid of — anything at all?

Does life scare you to death? If it does, a change in perspective is in order.

Neale Donald Walsch talks about the emotion of fear in this delightful video.

Since I’m travelling away from home this week, we’re resurrecting an old article we published on fear. Appropriately, it’s titled “Fear.”… Read more

The Peaceful Mind by John Cali

In our article two weeks ago we talked about the ways modern society poisons our minds. This week we’re talking about the opposite end of the spectrum — the peaceful mind.

Meister Eckhart once said “The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling, and more perfect the prayer is.”

I’ve been meditating over 30 years, though I do not consider myself an expert at it. I continually explore the teachings of those I do consider experts, such as Eckhart Tolle in our video of the week.… Read more

Talking To God by John Cali

One of the most common questions folks ask us is “How can I communicate with my higher self?” Or “How can I talk to God?” Both are essentially the same question.

Another question we’re asked is “How can I begin to channel?” But, again, it’s the same question.

My spirit guides have always said we cannot not talk to God, because God is always talking to us — and in many ways. It’s just that we’re not always listening.

Here is a great short video from Neale Donald Walsch about not only how to talk to God, but also how to get answers.… Read more

Violence by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Years ago the first spiritual books (that is, non-religious books) I read were from Seth. Seth, I’m sure many of you know, is a spirit guide channeled by the late Jane Roberts. Seth was my introduction to channeling and alternative spirituality. I loved virtually everything he said.

Among the many principles Seth taught, several are an important part of my spiritual path and work today. One of those principles is “Violence is never justified.”… Read more