A Pearl Beyond Price by Barbara Clark and The Magdaleine Group

Abalone_blister_pearlPearl Image
Copyright © 2011 by Worldexplorer82

The wisdom of your soul is a pearl beyond any price. Every single learning and growth that you have experienced in every lifetime and between every lifetime has contributed to the brilliance, to the luminescence and beauty of the energy of your soul. It is hard if not impossible for human beings to even imagine a fraction of the brilliance of their soul and of who they truly are. And that has been part of the journey for humanity.Read more

One Hell of a Deal by John Cali

Pope Francis

Our title today is taken from an article recently appearing in The Independent, an online British newspaper.

It seems Pope Francis has promised shorter sentences in purgatory for those Roman Catholics who commit minor sins (“venial” sins, as the church calls them). The shorter sentences are known as “indulgences.”

According to Catholic teaching, if people die without confessing their sins to a priest, they will go to either purgatory (for minor or “venial” sins) or hell (for major or “mortal” sins).Read more

Spirit Oracle Cards by John Cali

As you may know, we published our first Spirit oracle cards recently. They’re now available here:


So far the responses have been delightfully positive. Here’s an example:

“Brilliant Product That Connects Us To Spirit In a More Tangible Way!

“The messages are BEAUTIFULLY written. They’re truly oracles. The art work is also very impressive. It’s stunning the cards really answer a question I have in mind every time I withdraw one of them. Every time this happens my heart beats faster in total amazement.… Read more