Everything Always Works Out For Me: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

Light at end of tunnelImage copyright © 2009 by Dave Bevis

I’m still travelling, and so this post is another brief one. They’re all likely to be short till I return home again.

As I’d mentioned in an earlier article, my son and his family are in Kiev in Ukraine. If you’ve seen much recent news, you know the situation there is explosive, to say the least.

His mother and I are understandably concerned with our son’s safety—also with the safety of his family and everyone else involved in this situation. So we’re a bit preoccupied with all that right now.

In situations like this, it’s sometimes challenging for our human minds to wrap themselves around what my spirit guides (and other teachers) often say: “All is well.” And also, “You have never made a mistake.” And “All is as it should be.”

Those concepts are sometimes tough ones for us to accept.

Lately I’ve wondered about my son’s choice to enter his current career. Our family has totally supported him, and will continue to. I do not doubt everything will work for the highest good of all involved, even if we cannot understand or see clearly through to the ultimate outcome.

Is there a light at the end of this dark tunnel? I believe there’s a light at the end of every dark tunnel. But we have to be willing to look for it.


Is this new year of 2014 any different from 2013? Are our world, and our personal and spiritual lives, going to be better this year—or not? Here are Lee Carroll and Kryon with a powerfully uplifting message. Thanks, Barbara, for sending it to us!

Related links:

Everything Always Works Out For Me
Do You Follow a Path of No Regrets?
Toxic Teaching
What’s Wrong With Me?


Do you believe everything always works out for the best, despite appearances to the contrary? Does the universe always take care of us? Please share your thoughts and comments with us.


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.

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About John Cali

John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations With Spirit: Real Answers to Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming. Sign up for his newsletter here.

Personal readings with John and Spirit

23 Responses

  1. Jeannie

    Things are changing fast over there, your son and family will be fine. Just advise your son not to get involved in the demonstration or a large group of people in that state of mind. We sometimes can get overwhelmed.

    About those sounds Pat mentioned. I just popped over to see and hear what was happening and some sound like the wind blowing others are definitely weird. One thing that did happen as I was listening was my vibration sped up, it felt like actually quite good. So many people seemed frightened by it . I still have the effects in my heart and in the back of my mind. It was most interesting and I don’t think it’s dangerous.

    love and hugs

    • Pat

      Thank you, Jeannie, for listening to the sound video. I agree in that I don’t think it’s dangerous or threatening. But, certainly carries an energy with it.

  2. Pat

    John – warm thoughts and prayers go out to you and your son and his family for loving care and safety where ever all of you go.

    Thank you for the reassuring confirmation and comfort. Kyron’s message couldn’t have come at a better time, my friend.

    God bless.

      • Pat

        You’re welcome, John. Just wondering and maybe a little off topic. What do you think Kryon would think of these strange sounds being heard around the world? Any thoughts?

        • John Cali

          Hi Pat — I was not familiar with those strange sounds till I just saw your video. I don’t have any idea what they’re all about. Sorry!

          • Pat

            Thank you, John. I had seen this last year and a fellow blogger just posted it. No problem — I was just wondering if you had heard of it and if you had any thoughts on it.

  3. patty

    John Calli, to begin with I ask a Most Benevolent Outcome for You and family in the Journey you all face.

    I am learning, a student as of now, I WATCHED A VIDEO “TUNING IN” where you and others channeled. You Chief/ I feel I connected with you and the chief most. I have the hardest time with comprehension so I have listen watched over and over several times. I will get relaxed and fall asleep and wake in and out of videos and books and taping s. So frustrating. I want so bad to channel and speak w/ my angels and spirit guides. I am guessing all in good time. I will keep trying. I am 62, and to be able to teach my grand children. Prepare them with some knowledge. I had a thought. My mother, grandmother and aunts were very Christian minded when they passed away and Were they very shocked once they passed over and realized how their beliefs in heaven, hell and sin and going before God were so different than they were taught. Or not so much. I often would of like to see the reaction as I will some day have a reaction too.

    Thank You John Calli
    Peace and Love and Light

  4. Pat K

    It is a challenge to “be well” with our children’s decisions, especially so when they choose to be part of a situation that we cannot predict the outcome of.

    Thank you so very much for posting this Kryon channeling. The images add so much to it. I am going to share it.


  5. Susan

    When I went on line this morning, I noticed that there seemed to be a shift going on in the Ukraine — my thoughts immediately went to you. Now this post has appeared! I know that nothing there is totally guaranteed, and so, I will continue to hold you and your family in love and light. I greatly appreciate your being so open to inviting others into your life to share love… Certainly what this world needs more of…

    Love and blessings,

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Susan. I appreciate your kindness.

      Things are looking a bit better this morning in Ukraine (and Kiev), though it’s still a volatile situation.

      Love and blessings to you too,

  6. Martha

    Bless you on your way, John.

    Everything Always works out for me is a good mantra. It is also tempting to want everything to always work out for the people we care about!

    Holding you and your family in my heart for safekeeping.

    Go well. ( and I know you are..;-)



  7. Barbara

    You are very welcome. It’s a fabulous and inspirational message. I have great expectations for 2014!

    • Susan

      Dear Barbara,

      Thank you for sharing the wonderful Kryon video. Since having received my initial Reiki attunements in 2001 and moving from there, I certainly have experienced a “wild ride”. Don’t really know where it all goes — I did agree to the ride hoping it somehow benefitted all. I see hope here!!!

      Love and blessings,

      • Barbara

        Hi Susan,
        You are most welcome, I am glad you enjoyed it. You gave me a big smile when you mentioned your reiki attunements. That most certainly opens us up for “wild rides”. I can definitely relate to that. <)
        Love and reiki hugs,
        Barbara x

  8. Sarah D

    I can only imagine how you must feel right now. I send much love and hope to you and your family and will include you all in my prayers. You are a pillar of strength, a fine example for your son and family.

    I do believe that things work out for the best at some level. Sometimes it may not seem that way at the time, especially when viewing things from a human perspective. But the universe is ultimately benevolent.

    Again, love and prayers to you, your son and his family,
    Sarah D

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Sarah, for your kind words. We’ve all been concerned, obviously But I have not been worried. I know everything will work out. In fact, this morning there was news of a truce between the opposing Ukrainian factions. So things are looking up.

      Thanks again, my dear, for your kindness.

  9. Jennifer June

    I am thinking about your family in a very peaceful way with love and blessings. I find, in these situations, getting out of my own way and letting things happen is very difficult. You are an inspiration to me. May God be with your family and all who are with them.

    • John Cali

      Thanks so much, Jennifer — we all appreciate your love and blessings. God bless you and all your family!

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