What Happens When We Return To Spirit? by John Cali and Spirit

There is no death. ~ A Course in Miracles


Heaven by Giovanni di Paolo

NOTE: This post is longer than we usually publish. But I trust you’ll find it useful.

A few weeks ago one of our readers, Christine Disano-Davenport, sent us a letter. She had recently watched a film and read some books about life after death. Though she enjoyed them, they were disturbing to her. As she put it, “…what is bothering me now is that it (the film and books) is shaking my belief about what happens after we make our transition.”

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Tuning In Now by David Thomas

David Thomas, the filmmaker of the popular Tuning In movie a few years ago, continues to move forward on his brand-new successor film, Tuning In Now.



The channeled material I have been delving into for years now is amazingly consistent: we are masters who have not quite realized it, we are powerful but limit ourselves with errant thought and action, this lifetime is more significant than most others we’ve had.

If this is the basic message, told to us again and again in different ways and voices, what really is the necessity of another “Tuning In” movie, or more channeling at all?

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Tuning In Now: Coming Soon by David Thomas

index A hornet is buzzing about inside your car, smacking up against the windshield, desperate to reach the vast vistas just beyond the glass, but getting more and more frustrated. He grows frantic, buzzing louder, knowing true freedom is so tantalizingly close… but not quite able to get there.

Sometimes I feel like that hornet. Maybe you do too. The cosmic benchmark 2012 came and went with seemingly no true change. We are told of great onslaughts of new energy, changing DNA and becoming crystalline beings.
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Tuning In Now

Many of you will remember the movie, “Tuning In,” from 2008. Filmmaker David Thomas directed the movie, and it became quite popular. It remains popular today.



Here’s David:

A much-anticipated sequel to the groundbreaking metaphysical film “Tuning In.” We are gathering all the channelers from that film and including others too.

Short Summary

Six years ago, we produced the first “Tuning In” movie and had no idea what to expect. David Thomas, the director and driving force behind the project, simply knew that the channeled messages he’d been exposed to had deep resonance and benefited his own life.Read more

Everything Always Works Out For Me: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

Light at end of tunnelImage copyright © 2009 by Dave Bevis

I’m still travelling, and so this post is another brief one. They’re all likely to be short till I return home again.

As I’d mentioned in an earlier article, my son and his family are in Kiev in Ukraine. If you’ve seen much recent news, you know the situation there is explosive, to say the least.

His mother and I are understandably concerned with our son’s safety—also with the safety of his family and everyone else involved in this situation.Read more

How Are Healing Miracles Possible? by John Cali

A good friend, Elsa Santos, emailed us to ask how healing miracles are possible. Elsa was responding to one of our posts, How Can We Help Others Heal?

Following are her questions. (We’ve abbreviated her email to keep this post reasonably short. We may address her other questions another time.)

Here’s Elsa’s email:

Dear John,

Thank you so much, first of all, for all the beautiful work you do with Spirit!

I´m both a healer and a translator, and I’ve had the honor and absolute privilege of translating and subtitling Tuning In in Portuguese.… Read more