I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. ~ Frank Lloyd WrightOur title today is taken from one of A Course In Miracles’ daily lessons.
I realize it’s hard for many of us to see that God truly is in everything we see. When I first started channelling years ago, people often asked my spirit guides who — or what — God was. I was asking that question myself.
My guides’ answer was as simple as it was profound: “God is all that is.” That answer has never changed over all these years.
It took me a while to integrate their answer into my thinking and my work. Today it’s an integral part of both. It’s also a source of great personal and spiritual comfort to me.
If God is all that is, there can be nothing “evil” in the world. Evil is not part of God. Evil is simply a fiction, one of many we humans have created, that keeps us living in illusion.
Here’s Spirit.
Humans all too often give God credit for the good things, or what they define as “good.” And they blame God for all they define as “bad” or “evil.” A common question we often get from people is “How could God allow (fill in the blanks here — war, death, cruelty, illness, etc. etc.).
The real point here — and the only point — is God did not create any of those, nor does he “allow” them. You did and you do. That may sound like a contradiction in view of something we’ve said many times: “You are God.”
The problem is the “you” (what you call “ego”) who created war, death, etc. has become divorced from the “you” that is God.
Do you really believe you are God? You probably don’t have trouble seeing God — or at least the hand of God — in a beautiful sunrise, a green peaceful valley, a baby’s eyes, a majestic mountain. But to see God in yourself is difficult — and perhaps even more difficult, in other humans. That’s the real challenge.
In fact, that challenge is your entire reason for choosing to come into physical life. You came so God could see and experience the physical world through your eyes.
But a short time after you were born you were talked out of what you knew as an infant. You were literally brainwashed into believing you were not worthy. “I am not worthy” was a “mantra” that was part of the religious services in the church of John’s childhood.
Once you can fully see and accept yourself as literally God, then you will know God is in everything you see.
We’d suggest a good way to begin, or to accelerate, this process is to find something good, something positive that makes you feel good, in every person, every experience, every part of the natural world. Do that every day.
Yes, there is much in your news media you do not feel good about. But see all that for what it is — illusion. And don’t pay any attention to it. It is not reality.
The only true reality is love. God is love. You are love.
Copyright © 2015 by John Cali
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What do you think an interview with God would be like? I love this video.
Related posts:
If God Is All-Powerful, Why Does S/he Allow Suffering, Like Ebola?
The Prayer of God
The Light of God
When Was the Last Time You Saw God?
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About John Cali
Writer and publisher John Cali talks to ghosts and dead people. He writes about these adventures at his blog and website, and in his upcoming book, Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1.
He’s written 10 books, and numerous articles on aviation, the environment, business, real estate, and legal education for various publications, including The American Bar Association Journal, Aircraft Interiors, and National Neighborhood News.
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jane ritson
Everything and everyone is created through and underwritten by Unconditional Love which loves us so completely it grants us total freewill.
As an astrologer I see over and over how every one of us is totally unique.
Even though many people could have the same experience, each would have a different view of it due to their individual make-up. Thus All-That-Is experiences that diversity through each and every one of us.
Thank you for your hands-on approach John.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jane.
I’m sure, with your astrology work, you see the uniqueness in each of us more clearly than many. I think it’s that uniqueness, and the diversity, that make life so much fun.
Thanks again.
Cathy Houston
Hi John/Spirit,
Thank you for this message and video. They were just what I was needing remember.
I came from much the same religious upbringing as you John. i even went to a parochial high school. Much it was very harsh and in those days corporal punishment in schools was accepted more than today. but you know, that experience taught me to question everything about God and reality. It was a true gift that keeps on giving
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Cathy.
I too went to a parochial high school — so I know what you mean about the harshness. Fortunately, I went to a Jesuit college, where the atmosphere was much more open-minded, even liberal. That’s where I learned to question God and reality. As you say, it’s a real gift.
Thanks again, Cathy.
Cathy Houston
Hi again John-sorry my comment only half posted and the most important part didn’t post. I wanted to thank you for always personally acknowledging all our comments! It is so validating and means so much. I feel you really see the God in all of us and are a wonderful example of Spirits teachings. It is always great to read others opinions too. Thank you John
John Cali
Hi Cathy,
Well, those things happen — I’ve done it more times than I care to remember. 🙂
I deeply appreciate your most kind words. Though I don’t always see the God in everyone — but when I don’t something/someone usually gives me good swift reminder. It’s always a pleasure for me to connect with all of you on this forum.
Thanks again, Cathy.
Pat K
Thank you for the tool that Spirit gave us…to practice discerning the good.
Sweet video! I hope the creator if it will proofread and edit it, though.
But I definitely discern the wisdom in it, and FORGIVE the distractions of the text. 🙂
John Cali
Thanks very much, Pat. I thought that about the video too — but I overlooked it because, otherwise, it’s great.
This is what I wrote in answer to a friend last month in answer to the following question:
What is your definition of the God that is being manifested?
Boy, what a question. I believe that there is no one definition in order to define God. If I had to choose a word anyway it would be Everything. There just is not anything that is not God manifesting on one of the multitudinous frequencies.
In the lowest frequencies that would be without much if any conscious awareness but still a manifestation of God. We cannot get away from God however we might try as we are a part of God. In our case with a very much diminished awareness as we put on a blindfold so to speak before we entered in this physical body in order to have certain experiences.
What fun is playing a game if you know all the best possibilities and the answers to all the questions already? The fun is in finding out and inventing new possibilities for ourselves. We do have all the potentials of God in us, even though they have not been activated yet. I think you can see us (humans, animals, plants, minerals, cells, atoms, quanta, planets, stars, galaxies, universes a.s.o.) as points of focus of attention of God.
Each of us is a cell or an atom in a greater universe and is a universe to smaller entities. God as the highest entity of all is encompassing all of us and perceiving and experiencing through us. As we are experiencing through our organs and cells and atoms and maybe are ‘god’ to them.
There is no God that is separate from us but when you consider us to be the focal points in the feet of God (using the metaphor of a human body) as we live in the densest frequency vibrations and the focal point that encompasses all is the brain, you can also imagine communication between the feet and the brain in order to make them function.
So while there is no God outside us because we are in God and God is in us, we still may want to experience communication and pretend that God is outside of us.
The fact is that we cannot possibly understand how things are in Reality with a capital R as long as we are still wearing this blindfold. We are waking up though because we are now at least aware that we are wearing a blindfold and that this world is nothing but an illusion. So maybe we should stop arguing about what really happened in whatever time and whatever place, because none of that is real anyway, except the Love and Conscious Awareness we gained from whatever happened in the world we created.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Anny. You said it all beautifully!
Pim Hols
Thank you John for those beautiful messages from Spirit and from you of course. I don’t often leave a reply, but I enjoy your newsletters very much. So thank you for that again. I learn a lot from the messages.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Pim, for your kind words — I really appreciate it! I’m delighted to hear the messages are helpful to you.