Is Peace on Earth An Impossible Dream? Followup John Cali

We received a variety of insightful comments in response to our newsletter article earlier this week, Is Peace on Earth an Impossible Dream?

So, as a followup, I’d like to share with you a few additional thoughts. (This post is longer than our usual short ones, which I know you and I prefer. But I think the subject merits it today.)

First, here’s a brief message I received from my spirit guides:

There will never be the peace on earth many of you envision. There will always be diversity and disagreement. That’s as it should be.

But that does not mean you must resolve your diversities and disagreements with violence and war. The absence of violence and war is an achievable dream for your world. And a desirable one.”

Second, here are my own thoughts:

I personally have never been involved in a war (in this lifetime). But I’ve seen the physical and emotional devastation it has caused with my close family and friends who were in combat.

I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. The church has what they call the Just War Doctrine. I am no longer Catholic, but even when I was I had a hard time accepting this doctrine. It made no sense to me then, nor does it now.

However, the Just War Doctrine does say, for example, the extreme devastation caused by the United States’ bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War 2 was not a just war action.

Here are some other excerpts from that doctrine:

  • In broad terms, Christians must not love violence. They must promote peace whenever possible and be slow to resort to the use of arms. But they must not be afraid to do so when it is called for. Evil must not be allowed to remain unchecked.”
  • …the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated. The power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition.”
  • As the Second Vatican Council noted, ‘Insofar as men are sinful, the threat of war hangs over them, and hang over them it will until the return of Christ….’ The danger of war will never be completely removed prior to the Second Coming.”

I am not judging or criticizing the Roman Catholic Church. But I do not agree with them in their emphasis on “evil” and “sin.” Nor do I think humanity is going to be transformed or “saved” by “the Second Coming” (of Christ)—whatever that means to those who believe in it.

We are our own saviors because we are God. If there is going to be peace on earth, or at least an absence of violence and war, it is up to us to create it. As God in human form, that is entirely within our power.

Third, here are some thoughts from Seth, the spirit guide channeled by Jane Roberts:

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder.”

Let me end here, with this final observation:

Harry Patch, the last surviving British soldier from World War 1, said before he died “War is organised murder, and nothing else.”

Related links:
An End to War
Is Violence Ever Justified?


Do you believe peace on earth is possible? Is there such a thing as a “just war”? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.

We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us. Please keep your comments polite and relevant to the topic of this post. If needed, we’ll edit for clarity. Also, we’ll delete anything we consider inappropriate.

21 Responses

  1. Rene

    Thank you John and Spirit. I do believe peace on Earth is possible. Humanity has not reached the point of mass awakening as to who we really are. At this point in our lifetime, I do believe Humans has had enough of violence and wars and want peace on Earth. And in these coming days and Holidays. I do wish everyone Love and Peace on Earth!!

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Rene.

      Happy Holidays, and may yours be filled with love and peace,

  2. Micki

    I too, believe that peace comes from within and that we will all eventually find that peace, no matter who or where we are.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours John and a very happy and healthy and exciting 2013.

    Merry Christmas everybody.
    Love and Huge hugs

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Micki.

      Merry Christmas to you too, and a most blessed and beautiful 2013!

      Lots of love and hugs,

  3. jerry

    I like what Einstein stated concerning solving problems and that is that cannot be solved at the level they were created. I feel that if we become the observer of what is transpiring around us, then we are seeing it from a nonjudgmental or higher frequency. This process alone, will then allow an understanding that killing others or for others is quite barbaric and only promotes more violence.

    I feel we can have peace on earth literally immediately, just by having peace within ourselves. (If no one goes off to war, then there is simply no war. Not much chance of politicians shooting at each other… grin)

    May we all find peace within,

    Love and hugs to all

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Jerry, for your perceptive comments.

      Merry Christmas! Peace be with you.


  4. Sarah

    I don’t like those terms ‘evil’ and ‘sinful’ either. They are, in my opinion, subjective terms and are totally relative. Its a matter of perspective, after all. In any conflict, each side views the other as ‘evil’ and ‘wrong’ and perhaps sinful. Not just in conflict, but in life in general. When humans stop feeling the need to feel threatened by other cultures, other races, other countries, in fact anything that seems ‘different’ to the individual self’, then maybe the conflict would diminish. I feel, therefore, that we can have peace in our own little world but as for the whole world, I find it difficult to imagine total peace. I suppose peace is a beautiful ideal and is born through love and respect. When everyone on the planet has self-love, self-respect and self-esteem then there would no longer be a functional purpose for war.
    Happy holidays to everyone, may you have peace in your lives.

  5. Stephanie

    I LOVE what Sarah had to say …
    and my HOPE is that more and more will desire and attain PEACE within .. so that we will see more PEACE and LOVE throughout the world.

    Blessings to ALL …

  6. Sylvia Bright-Green

    I totally agree with that we are Gods. Humankind creates their own existences with their thoughts, words and deeds. But once we learn/train ourselves to catch our negative thoughts, words and deeds the better our world can become. Because as we postively progress, so does our world. Love and blessings to all for our new year.

  7. Toni

    John, I’m too tired to think right now, but I do want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!


    • John Cali

      God bless you, Toni.

      I wish you a most Merry Christmas, and a bright and beautiful 2013! It’s going to be a grand year!


  8. Judith Marie Anderson

    I believe that we can achieve Peace on Earth (absence of war) through changing minds and attitudes, and we are gaining ground with that.

    Our younger people are seeing more and more that we are all ONE, and so to harm another is to harm ourselves.

    I will be 70 next years, and I was raised to believe in Peace. I have spent my life always speaking out for Peace and remember being ridiculed by other children for including that in my prayers at a local church and the youth director asking me why I always added that.

    I was stunned that anyone could question that Peace on Earth was a desirable goal, especially by people who claimed to have a direct line to Jesus.

    It has become so clear to me that violence flows from fear, and that we all need to be fearless in the face of other’s violent reactions.

  9. Jeannie

    Peace like love begins within. Everything begins within. All the answers to all the questions we have lie within. Can we have peace on earth…………as there is peace inside each of us there is peace where we are in the moment we allow it to flow.

    Happy, happy holiday to you John and all here………..everyday is a holiday!

    love and hugs

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