Do We Need To Overcome Adversity or Just Go Along For the Ride? by John Cali and Spirit

Pair_of_lemons-croppedImage credit: Dante Alighieri

We’ve all heard that saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, my good friend, Dan Poynter of Para Publishing, recently demonstrated how to do just that, in a most impressive way.

Last summer Dan was diagnosed with Chromosome Trisomy 19, a rare and potentially life-threatening blood disorder. His doctor decided he needed a stem cell transplant. Although this disorder is not cancer, its treatment is similar to certain cancer treatments.

Now Dan is a very busy guy, as you can see from his website. He’s been a popular publisher, speaker, and author since 1969, and has not slowed down a bit since then.

Such a diagnosis would have been devastating to many folks. But Dan just took it all in stride, proceeded to get treatment and, in the months-long process, never missed one day of work.

In fact, Dan spent months researching and writing the Transplant Handbook for Patients. He read all the books on the subject and everything he could find online.

Then he went through the transplant procedure as a patient and rewrote everything according to what he learned. Therefore, this book reflects what only a patient could know.

Dan is fine now, and back to his usual routine. Talk about making lemonade out of the lemons life hands you!

We often wonder why we’re sometimes faced with adversity. Although many of us will never confront the challenge Dan has, I have to ask myself “How would I deal with such a challenge?”

I would hope, like Dan, I would just go along for the ride, trusting all would work out. In his case, it did. And not only has he recovered, but he’s taken his experience and written what I’m sure will be a best-selling book. He’s using his new knowledge to help others facing similar challenges.

As Dan said, “Sometimes we find new subjects to speak and write on. Occasionally, they are thrust upon us. Most people look upon a medical challenge as an ordeal. Authors and speakers see it as a new opportunity….Dying is not an option, I have more books to write.”


Though this short video is a commercial, it’s an amusing take on overcoming adversity.

Related links:
The Wild Winds of Wyoming
Struggle and Resistance: Afterthoughts
Winds of Change

How do you think you would handle such a health challenge as Dan? Or maybe you already have. Please share your thoughts and comments with us.


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.

About John Cali

John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations With Spirit: Real Answers to Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming. Sign up for his newsletter here.

6 Responses

  1. Sarah Drury

    Hi John,
    Much respect to Dan for his inspirational approach to a what must have been rather scary challenge and using it to transform the lives of others.

    I believe we choose our physical bodies’ potential before we incarnate and thus it’s predisposition to certain conditions. I know we are creating everything including our health situations and we are then responsible for dealing with our challenging creation in a positive way. Being able to understand the whats, whys and hows of what we have created, ie the health condition, allows us to take action to create a more positive situation.

    I read lots about people refusing to take conventional medicines and advice from medical doctors but to me I think sometimes there’s no alternative.

    As you know, John, I have bipolar disorder and spent many years resisting conventional treatment to my own detriment. Bipolar disorder is a condition relating to balance- balancing moods, balancing brain chemicals and balancing stress. I now have seen how out of balance my life had been. Chaotic. I had created this imbalance and now I see the importance of balance in my own life. If it weren’t for conventional medication it would be a different story. And if I had continued with my super high pressured lifestyle I would not be here today!!!

    So there is a lesson in our ailments and at some level we have created them. Hopefully they will teach us and maybe help us turn our lives and creations around for the better.
    Blessings to you John 🙂

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Sarah. Dan certainly is an inspirational guy.

      I think there is definitely a place for medical doctors and conventional medication. Medical science has made some remarkable advances in our lifetimes. And there are more and more holistically oriented medical doctors today.

      I remember something Alan Cohen said a while back: “Choose a doctor who will find something right with you.” I love that!

      I’m familiar with bipolar disorder because of you and some among my family and friends. I’m delighted you found your way through that challenge with medication and a shift in your lifestyle. You must be a great inspiration to those who know you.

      Blessings to you too, Sarah!

      • Sarah Drury

        Thanks, John. I love that Alan Cohen quote too! I still have a tendency to suffer from anxiety and have to work hard at staying calm. What helps me most is a combination of focussing on gratitude and law of attraction, actively working hard to maintain a positive vibration and reverse any thought patterns and beliefs that do not serve me well.

        • John Cali

          You’re most welcome, Sarah. I know lots of folks who suffer from anxiety and need to work at staying calm — so you’re not alone. Focusing on gratitude is a powerful tool, I’ve found — whether it’s to alleviate anxiety, or to just plain feel good. 🙂

  2. Mikala

    In my experience, you have to trust that whatever procedure the medical personnel believe is required, is required. However, diagnoses are not always correct, so do your own due diligence. While following the medical procedures, I find that it is time to really look at the situation from the spiritual prospective: “Why do I need this challenge? What can I learn from this? What is it I really need to learn? What important concept am I ignoring?” There are so many possibilities within challenges, but within, you will know what to focus on and learn.

    Let go of fear because it does nothing to improve the situation. Know within yourself that “this too shall pass,”and stay in the moment. Focus on the spiritual side of things, and go with the flow. Enjoy the trust Spirit has in your bravery and ability to move through your challenges, and to do it with grace.

    This is how I have moved through such challenges. It’s one of those “it is what it is” situations. However, I have been misdiagnosed as having life ending medical problems twice, so I am very careful to include second and third opinions. (Fourth doesn’t hurt. grin)

    I believe it was Chief Joseph who reminded us that during any one day our bodies may or do pass through many serious illnesses, with the focus being that they pass through. Our miraculous bodies heal themselves, they just need our love and support.

    Blessings to all,

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Mikala.

      I agree — there are so many possibilities within challenges. Your comments about diagnoses remind me of something Deepak Chopra said: “You can believe the diagnosis without believing the prognosis.”

      I remember those words from Chief Joseph many years ago. As he put it, most of us have so-called “terminal” illnesses one time or another. But our bodies, as you said, simply allow them to pass through — often without our conscious awareness of the illnesses.

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