The Ebb and Flow of Relationships

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You will never truly know yourself or the strength of your relationships until both have been tested by adversity. ~ J.K. Rowling


When I was much younger, I naively thought relationships were always supposed to be only love and light. Did I ever get that wrong!


Today we shall discuss a subject of great interest to many of you. And one which creates great challenges for most of you.

There is little question human relationships are a source of deep fulfillment and joy, and yet also of many opportunities for learning.Read more

Do We Need To Overcome Adversity or Just Go Along For the Ride? by John Cali and Spirit

Pair_of_lemons-croppedImage credit: Dante Alighieri

We’ve all heard that saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, my good friend, Dan Poynter of Para Publishing, recently demonstrated how to do just that, in a most impressive way.

Last summer Dan was diagnosed with Chromosome Trisomy 19, a rare and potentially life-threatening blood disorder. His doctor decided he needed a stem cell transplant. Although this disorder is not cancer, its treatment is similar to certain cancer treatments.

Now Dan is a very busy guy, as you can see from his website.Read more