You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~ Buddha
Copyright © 2005 by Vajra Mudra
Kirk Douglas, legendary actor and Hollywood icon, tells a deeply thought-provoking story.
Some years ago he was driving down the freeway in Southern California when he spotted a young man hitchhiking. He pulled over and the youngster jumped in.
It was only after he was in the car that he took a look at Kirk. With a shocked expression on his face, he blurted out “Do you know who you are?”
That’s a great question to ask ourselves. Do we know who we are?
Here’s Spirit.
- When you know your true self life gets easier, even effortless.
- You will then find it easier to trust your inner guidance, your intuition. You will find it easy to love yourself unconditionally.
- There is nothing more important than that you do this.
- Self-love is the key to all you search for.
- When you love yourself unconditionally you are fully aligned with your spirit, with God. Then you will know, beyond doubt or question, you are God.
- We know this concept is sometimes hard for human minds to grasp.
- Any time you have a hunch, a premonition, an inspiration, a sense of something you could not consciously know–these are all communication from your spirit, from God.
- Your connection to God, to your spirit, is your true home. Wherever you go, you are home.
- You are powerful and wise beyond your wildest dreams.
- You deserve all the love you can give yourself.
- If you insist on worshiping someone, make it yourself, your spirit–that part of you that is God.
- That part of you that is God is the real you, the whole you.
Copyright © 2014 by John Cali
Adapted from Spirit Oracle Cards by John Cali, Frederic Calendini, and Stephanie Calendini. Great Western Publishing, 2014
In this video, God Is You, So You Are Love, Abraham and Esther Hicks) discuss our true selves.
Related posts:
Do You Struggle with Self-Love?
11 Easy Ways You Can Learn To Love Your Body
When You Look In the Mirror Do You Like What You See?
Is it easy or hard for you to love yourself? Does knowing you are God–you are love–make it easier for you to accept that you deserve your own love? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
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About John Cali
John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming, in the USA’s northern Rocky Mountains. Sign up for his free newsletter here. You’ll receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.
Personal Readings with John and Spirit
Re. Post Do you really know who you are? 9-16-2014
I realized something I believe is important after going through this post today. It is one thing to advise others to love themselves but what are the obstacles?
The main one if not the only one is fear. Those fears are often though not always subconscious.
I have run across a book which deals with this problem.
It is called ‘ Loving What Is’ by Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell.
You are likely familiar with it. There the working on our fears in order to liberate ourselves, to become loving to the max is called The Work.
I think it is worth passing on to our friends.
Ron Brisson
John Cali
Thanks very much, Ron. I know of Byron Katie’s work — it’s excellent.
Approaching a decade of following Chief Joseph/John teachings and messages. I have truly understood who I Am, and why I’m here now. And it is true. Life gets easier. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when the ego still try hard to test my faith. However it gets much easier, with practice and commitment to get back in alignment with Spirit/Higher-Self. John/Spirit, I thank you!!!!
John Cali
You’re quite welcome, Rene! And thank YOU for your kind words, and for all your support over the years.
Angel Warrior
One of the more difficult things that I have found to be impeding my self-love is blocking out the negative opinions that others have told me about me. For some reason I have believed what others think about me instead of knowing what I think about me.
It’s been a slow and sometimes painful process, as it pulls up even more of them. Ones that I had forgotten about even…. any advice on how to make the transition easier would be appreciated… 🙂
John Cali
You’re not alone in allowing the negative views of others to influence you. Most of us were brought up to put the opinions of others ahead of our own inner guidance.
It would take more than a short reply to answer your question in this forum. But I’ll tell you what’s worked well for me — meditation.
A regular meditation practice will get you in deeper touch with yourself, and expand your awareness to more closely align you with your spirit self (or higher self). Then it won’t matter what other people think or say about you.
Hi Angel Warrior! I truly can relate with your attitude of giving importance to others opinion of you. I was stuck in that mode for most of my adult life. Then I finally realized that these negative opinions really only affected me because I allowed them to. I made a decision to move on past them by giving more importance on what made me happy. If things/situations don’t contribute to my happiness. Then I don’t do them or stay away from them. Angel, your happiness and well being, is what should be your priority. I wish for you to try. Best wishes!!!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Rene, for your comments. I too was stuck in that mode for many years.
As you say, the negative opinions of others affect us only if we allow them too. We’re in control. And those opinions, negative or not, have more to do with those holding them than they do with us. We’re all mirrors for each other.
Thanks again, my friend.
Do we know who we are? A very good question. I have struggled with this question for some years now. Do I love myself? Oh, how I am trying. However, my journey has led me down a path I never thought I would ever be on, and another thought has entered the mix, for me. We came here to be challenged, to experience life. This place we call Earth has its beauty and magic, but we came here to experience life so we may grow. Who am I? I am Spirit in physical form. My new question is this, “What have I learned?”
John Cali
Thanks very much for your comments. That’s a good question we should all ask ourselves: “What have I learned?”
I am having the best time listening to all the videos you have provided links to. I am sure that is why you have’t received many responses to this blog yet. We are all too busy listening to Abraham! Lol
Thanks John
John Cali
Thanks very much, Margaret.
I get it, self love is the key. But self love can be difficult. We’re perfectionsts. We see all the things we do wrong. We nit pick. How to get into that place of constant self love, that’s my question to the universe.
John Cali
Maybe you cannot get to that place of “constant self love” immediately. But you can get there sooner or later if you believe you can.
Instead of reaching for self love, learn to practice unconditional love. Just choose a process you find resonance with.
Once you’re stable in that, self love takes care of itself. You will think and feel it even if you’ve never felt it before. It will just be the most natural thing in the world.
John Cali
Thank you, beachdrifter. Great advice!