Darkness And Light

Some folks I know get depressed as our days grow darker in December with the approaching winter solstice. (In the northern hemisphere.) Ironically, this time of year is actually my favorite, which leads some to think there’s something wrong with me. 🙂

So many feel a sense of fear and dread as darkness descends. But the darkest days also herald the end of the darkness. Each day grows lighter as the darkness fades.

So why do so many suffer through this annual misery?Read more

Suddenly There Is Winter

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 5

We adapted this week’s post from a piece we wrote many years ago. As often happens, the subject is as timely now as it was when we wrote the piece.


These are times of momentous changes on your planet. At one moment, you are enjoying the roses of summer. Then the roses fade and their petals fall to the earth. The trees change colors and their leaves fall to the earth. Your brothers and sisters, the animals of the earth, begin to hibernate.Read more