Kindness and Caring

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In today’s world, it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out there that never makes it into the mainstream news media.


Your world is so obsessed with the illusion of separation. And it’s making you feel more separate than you could ever be.

In face, you’re not separate at all, except in your minds. And your minds have been brainwashed into seeing what is not there.Read more

Compassion and Life’s Other Side

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 0

In a recent post we talked about a neighbor who died by euthanasia.

Berna and I ran into her widower the other day. He was, understandably, sad and sorely missing his wife. They’d been together 63 years. And their son had died many years ago when he was just 7 years old.

Berna, a deeply compassionate woman, spoke with him for a few minutes. He did not speak English. So he and Berna spoke in Dutch. I didn’t understand their conversation, but she told me about it later.Read more

Darkness And Light

Some folks I know get depressed as our days grow darker in December with the approaching winter solstice. (In the northern hemisphere.) Ironically, this time of year is actually my favorite, which leads some to think there’s something wrong with me. 🙂

So many feel a sense of fear and dread as darkness descends. But the darkest days also herald the end of the darkness. Each day grows lighter as the darkness fades.

So why do so many suffer through this annual misery?Read more


A prominent stereotype today is homeless people.

In several recent conversations I’ve had with folks about homeless people, the common attitude was, “If they had any ambition, they wouldn’t be homeless. They’re simply irresponsible.”

In other words, it’s their own fault. But is it?

The Canadian organization, New Leaf Project, recently did a research project on homelessness. They gave 115 homeless people $7,500 each. One year later, most of the 115 people had $1,000 in savings, and were able to feed themselves and their families.Read more

Secret Courage: A True Story

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 8

People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.

                                                      ~ Herman Hesse, German poet and novelist ~


We’ve told this story before, many years ago. But it’s worth revisiting, especially in the context of today’s world, where courage, secret or not, seems so rare.

When we were kids, my brother, cousins, and I loved to roam through the forests and fields, hills and valleys of our rural home area.

Back in those long-ago days, it was perfectly safe.Read more

The Amazing Power of Compassion

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 8

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ The Dalai Lama


Recently I’d been feeling a bit “out of sorts.” I couldn’t concentrate on my work, household chores, etc. This is not typical for me.

But I understood, at least partly, why it was happening. We recently had a sudden death in the family. Several close friends and family were enduring difficult, life-changing challenges. Then, just days ago, I found out a good friend had been killed in a tragic accident.Read more

The Spirit of Compassion

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 6

Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace. ~ Albert Schweitzer


Syrian Refugee Children

I thought a good way to start the new year would be to focus on something so much of today’s world seems to be lacking—compassion.

It’s easy to feel compassion for those we love. (I picked that image above because the little boy looks so much like my grandson.)

It’s easy to feel compassion for those we agree with, those who are, basically, the same as us.Read more