Reality and Illusion

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

A few weeks ago, Berna and Spirit had a discussion about the question of what is real, and what is illusion.

Berna and Spirit

On the subject of reality and illusion, I thought I really had it clear with all the reading I have done. But recently I’m confused about it again. So what is really real in the material world we see? I know our perception forms the illusion—the idea we are separate is an illusion.

But the material world itself, like the trees and the mountains and the chairs we make, and the bicycles, the material stuff—is that all real or is it also an illusion?Read more

Free Will

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 0

Recently, Berna and I were discussing free will. She mentioned that, in fact, we have been given free will to discover that we are doing God’s will.


We’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: Your will and God’s will are one, they are the same.

“How can that be?” you might ask. “After all, look at all the awful deeds humans have committed over the centuries.”

Great question. How indeed could a good and gracious God ever allow those awful deeds to be heaped upon the heads of his children?Read more