Is Your Life YOUR Life?

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Today we all live in challenging and often-tragic times. Just look at the mainstream news media headlines. But don’t do it too often. It will break you. There’s a better way.


Many of you are struggling and suffering with all the challenges and changes your modern world is flooding you with.

It’s not an easy time for you to be on Planet Earth. But it is a good time—the perfect time—for you to be here.

Every one of you is facing your own unique challenges today.Read more

Reality and Illusion

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

A few weeks ago, Berna and Spirit had a discussion about the question of what is real, and what is illusion.

Berna and Spirit

On the subject of reality and illusion, I thought I really had it clear with all the reading I have done. But recently I’m confused about it again. So what is really real in the material world we see? I know our perception forms the illusion—the idea we are separate is an illusion.

But the material world itself, like the trees and the mountains and the chairs we make, and the bicycles, the material stuff—is that all real or is it also an illusion?Read more

The Illusion of Time

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 12

Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live. ~ Albert Einstein

A couple months ago, I took a trip to northern Montana. When I travel, I keep track of the exact mileage. From my house in Wyoming to my destination, Shelby, Montana, it was 532 miles north.

The next day I traveled another 34 miles north to a town called Sweet Grass.

The total distance from Wyoming to Sweet Grass, then, was 566 miles or 1,132 miles round trip.Read more

All Differences Are Illusion, Only Oneness Is Real by John Cali

Image by Kundhan karunakar

In David Thomas’ film, Tuning In, one of the underlying themes was the oneness of all creation. My spirit guides often say God is all that is. That includes all humans, all animals, all plants, the land, the sea—all life, animate and inanimate, on earth and beyond. There is nothing in all of creation that is not God.

If we accept God is in all that exists—is all that exists, then (obviously) we as human beings are all God.Read more

The Dog Who Wasn’t There by John Cali

Photo licensed under Creative Commons Attribution generic license

In our last newsletter article, Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions, we talked about how physical objects can seemingly appear and disappear with no logical explanation. Today we’re continuing that topic, but with a strange, eerie twist.

One cold late February night 20 years ago, my mother-in-law died at home. My wife, her sister, and our dog Schnapsi, were with her the moment she died. I was at home a short distance away, and when my wife called I immediately went over.… Read more

Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions by John Cali

I’ve always been fascinated by this subject. But I didn’t really believe it was possible. That is, until I saw it happen right before my eyes.

One day many years ago I was leaving my office to go home. I went to my car, reached in my pocket for my car key. It wasn’t there. I looked in the driver’s side window, and there was my key, still in the ignition. Since I locked all the doors, I had a problem.… Read more