The Spirit Cat Follow-up

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In our last post we talked about our encounter with a so-called “spirit cat.”

This week, we’re discussing another peculiar situation with this cat.

After we left the cat, we drove 5 kilometers north. There we came upon an attractive small, white 13th century church and, behind it, a graveyard. A beautiful white light was shining down from the sky on the back of the church.

While Berna walked to the graveyard, I walked around to the other side of the church.Read more

Alternate Realities

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing, inspiration | 2

Recently, Berna and I were having one of our daily chats about spirituality.

She told me she was planning to visit a close friend of hers. I asked her about this friend’s neighborhood, as I remembered it from our recent visit—the red brick buildings with many big trees, large grassy expanses, and other details. Berna knew the area well.

Then she said she and I had never been there together. I was, to put it mildly, surprised! I asked her if my description of the neighborhood was accurate.Read more

Reality and Illusion

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

A few weeks ago, Berna and Spirit had a discussion about the question of what is real, and what is illusion.

Berna and Spirit

On the subject of reality and illusion, I thought I really had it clear with all the reading I have done. But recently I’m confused about it again. So what is really real in the material world we see? I know our perception forms the illusion—the idea we are separate is an illusion.

But the material world itself, like the trees and the mountains and the chairs we make, and the bicycles, the material stuff—is that all real or is it also an illusion?Read more

Law of Attraction by John Cali

Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a. Swami Beyondananda, tells a wonderful story about Albert Einstein.

A reporter came to Einstein’s laboratory at Princeton to interview him. She was surprised to see a horseshoe above his door. “Professor Einstein,” she asked, “surely a man of science like you doesn’t believe a horseshoe will bring you good luck?”… Read more