
posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 1

Since many people are labeled with autism these days, we think readers might be curious about Spirit’s perspective on this subject.


Autistic people are drawn inside. They close themselves off in a way. They want as little stimulation from the outside as possible.

All these busy energies, the confusion everywhere, the insincerity of people—they pick these up and they make their minds wild, so to speak.

They are so sensitive to these outside influences, because they are spirits with a higher vibration than the average person.… Read more

Does God Exist? Is There Consciousness Outside of the Body, Or Life After Death? Part 1 by Anny Vos



The questions in the title of this post have always been asked by humanity. Spirituality and religion say yes to most of these questions, whereas science mostly denies it. For a long time matter was all that was real to science, although there are scientists who somehow manage to combine religion and science.

Science and spirituality are like mind and soul, like male and female, two opposites that have got out of balance since we ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.Read more