What Is the Purpose of Life? by Martha Magee

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 10

The purpose of life is soul growth. ~ Martha Magee

spirit in human formSpirit in Human Form

We have many lifetimes, an infinite amount to achieve this purpose (of soul growth). Each lifetime is a learning experience that we choose. Every aspect: our birth, what roles we will play out, karmic issues to be worked out, our parents, our country of origin, hometown, economic-social status, our bodies, our families, ethnic persuasion, beliefs, mental capacity, psychic abilities, constitutional strengths/weaknesses, soulmates, marriages, children, pets, livelihoods, lifestyles, vulnerabilities, talents, affinities, gifts, passions, challenges, addictions, persuasions, preferences, diseases, handicaps, injuries, wounds, accidents, intentions, relationships, friends, hobbies, incarcerations, triumphs, achievements, afflictions and spiritual goals, are ALL chosen by us—for purposes of soul growth.Read more

Does God Exist? Is There Consciousness Outside of the Body, Or Life After Death? Part 1 by Anny Vos



The questions in the title of this post have always been asked by humanity. Spirituality and religion say yes to most of these questions, whereas science mostly denies it. For a long time matter was all that was real to science, although there are scientists who somehow manage to combine religion and science.

Science and spirituality are like mind and soul, like male and female, two opposites that have got out of balance since we ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.Read more

Are You Shackled To The Past Without Even Knowing It? by John Cali

Image Credits

A couple nights ago I had one of the most vivid dreams I can ever remember.

The dream included only two people—a friend from this lifetime and me. The setting seemed to be around the mid-1800s in a house I know very well in this lifetime. We were having a disagreement about our relationship, and the dream ended without us settling our differences—even though we both said we loved the other.

When I woke up I knew exactly the message the dream was giving me.Read more

How Do We Reconcile Reincarnation and Simultaneous Time? by John Cali

Image by Paul McIlroy

Many spiritual teachers and spirit guides, including my own guides, talk about reincarnation—one lifetime after another, often spanning many centuries. They also talk about simultaneous time—where past, present, and future all exist in the present moment.

How do we reconcile these two seemingly contradictory concepts?


Linear time does not exist in the realms of spirit—there is only eternal time.

Being fully in each moment will make you, as you say, “lose track of time.” Time as you know it literally expands (or contracts).Read more

Are You Letting Your Past Define Who You Are Now? By John Cali

How often do you define yourself by your past—by who you were10 years ago or 10 lifetimes ago?

When I was younger I had no identity except for how I remembered myself in the past. And yet none of us are the same now as we were 10 years ago, 10 lifetimes ago—or even 10 minutes ago.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:


  • You can live your lives only one moment at a time.
  • You drain all the pleasure and joy from your present moments by polluting them with guilt from past deeds done and worry about future deeds undone.

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Reader Question: What Is It Like After We Die? by John Cali

Reader’s Question:

I often watch a television show in which they interview people who have died due to various circumstances, have seen the other side in their Spirit form, only to be brought back to life.

The majority of those people who have seen the other side have a very similar story/experience about being in pure bliss, being there in non-physical form, etc. However, once in a while, there are those people who see something they perceive to be a glimpse of “hell” or someplace that elicits feelings of fear.… Read more

2012: The End of the World? by John Cali

posted in: Articles, Blog | 18

Last week my spirit guides told me “Your world could end in 2012.” Not the most uplifting news to hear.

As you probably know, for years the doomsayers have been predicting the end of our world when the Mayan calendar supposedly ends in December 2012. Hollywood even made a horror movie based on that scenario.

I’m sure there are some folks whose world really will end in 2012. Let me explain.… Read more

Can We Travel to Other Dimensions? by John Cali

In our last blog post we spoke of Jane Roberts and her spirit guide, Seth.

To me, one of the most intriguing Seth concepts is we are multidimensional beings. Our past, present, and future selves exist in the present moment, in “simultaneous time.” And they communicate with each other, each from their own dimension. Most of us call these our reincarnational selves.… Read more