
posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

We’ve talked about karma before. Recently Berna was telling me she’d read a surprising comment about karma in a Facebook group.

Someone was talking about a recent unpleasant event in her life.  She said it  probably was caused by something she had done in a previous life—-as if she had to repay a debt or was being punished.

Berna’s opinion (which I share) is karma is often a weapon people use to instill fear in others. Or to control them.… Read more

Karma: What Is It?

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 6

Karma (in Buddhism and Hinduism): The sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
Oxford English Dictionary


Buddha in Meditation

What is Karma?

Karma is a confusing concept for many folks. You can see karma as the ruler and master of your life. Your present lifetime then becomes a prison from which you can never escape.

That’s a dismally depressing way to live out your days.

What does A Course in Miracles say about karma?

Read more

Are You Scared of the Law of Attraction?

posted in: Blog, channeling, law of attraction | 6

There has never been an injustice anywhere in this physical time/space reality or anywhere else. Law of Attraction does not promote injustice. Law of Attraction amplifies the vibration that is within you. ~ Abraham-Hicks


This is the next post in our ongoing question-and-answer series.


What is the best way to clear bad karma?


There is no such thing as “bad” karma. Karma is simply cause and effect—what you sow, you reap.

If you’re sowing negativity, negativity will return to you.Read more

What Is the Purpose of Life? by Martha Magee

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 10

The purpose of life is soul growth. ~ Martha Magee

spirit in human formSpirit in Human Form

We have many lifetimes, an infinite amount to achieve this purpose (of soul growth). Each lifetime is a learning experience that we choose. Every aspect: our birth, what roles we will play out, karmic issues to be worked out, our parents, our country of origin, hometown, economic-social status, our bodies, our families, ethnic persuasion, beliefs, mental capacity, psychic abilities, constitutional strengths/weaknesses, soulmates, marriages, children, pets, livelihoods, lifestyles, vulnerabilities, talents, affinities, gifts, passions, challenges, addictions, persuasions, preferences, diseases, handicaps, injuries, wounds, accidents, intentions, relationships, friends, hobbies, incarcerations, triumphs, achievements, afflictions and spiritual goals, are ALL chosen by us—for purposes of soul growth.Read more

Does God Exist? Is There Consciousness Outside of the Body, Or Life After Death? Part 1 by Anny Vos



The questions in the title of this post have always been asked by humanity. Spirituality and religion say yes to most of these questions, whereas science mostly denies it. For a long time matter was all that was real to science, although there are scientists who somehow manage to combine religion and science.

Science and spirituality are like mind and soul, like male and female, two opposites that have got out of balance since we ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.Read more

Cold-Blooded Murder by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 66

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Boot Hill Tombstone Arizona

Graves of men killed in gunfight at OK Corral
Boot Hill, Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 1881
Copyright © 2005 by Grombo

I realize that’s a strange title for a spiritual blog and website. Let me explain.

In our small town, a week ago today, two teenage boys shot and killed three people for no reason other than to steal their car.Read more