You Are Not Your Physical Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 4

Lesson 212 of A Course in Miracles tells us “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”

But do we really believe that? After all, so much of the Western world, defines (and limits) everything as if we were only a physical body. Obviously, we all have a physical body. But we are not that body. Nevertheless, we have a duty to care for our bodies as we would a beloved family member.Read more

Hard Work

I recently read an interview with a millennial worker. (The millennial generation were born in the last two decades of the 20th century.)

The worker talked about how she put all she had, all she was, into her work. In her words, “I am so obsessed  with reaching…success…that I’ve forgotten how to actually enjoy life.” (Emphasis added)

Her work had become her God.


In your modern world, particularly in Western society, you have replaced the real God with a false god.Read more