A couple days ago a friend told me about a vivid prophetic dream she’d had. That night I also had a vivid dream. I was with one of my favorite cousins in a familiar setting — on the porch of the house in New York State where I grew up.
My cousin was making cynical, judgemental comments about a few people we both knew. I said to him “Why not assume the best about people?”
“Everybody?” he asked.
“Everybody,” I replied. “Because then you bring out the best in them.”
The past few years I’ve had a growing awareness, and clearer recall, of the messages my dreams always hold for me.
As I thought about my dream the next morning, I wondered what the message for me could possibly be. I had made a conscious, deliberate effort to assume the best about all the people in my life, even when it was hard. I could not think of a single person I did not treat like that.
Then it came to me — there was one person. Me.
I’ve grown beyond the frequent self-doubt and self-disapproval of my earlier years. But occasionally I slip back into that, as I did recently. I came through it successfully with the help of a dear friend — and, of course, my spirit guides.
Our dreams always have a message for us — if we pay attention.
What are your experiences with dreams? Please share with us below.
We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions. Please keep them kind and compassionate. If needed, we’ll edit for clarity. Also, we’ll delete anything we consider inappropriate.
Send Us Your Questions
We’ve started a question-and-answer feature in this blog. We invite all of you to send us your questions. We’ll publish Spirit’s answers in occasional blog posts. Please follow these guidelines:
1. Keep your questions “on topic” — that is, on the subjects we cover in our blog and newsletter.
2. Your questions should be of interest to all our readers. If you have personal questions, those would be more appropriately covered in private readings.
3. Email me your questions. While I cannot guarantee we’ll be able to answer all questions, we’ll do as many as we can.
Thank you John and Spirit for the teachings. I’m one of those people that rarely dream. And when I do dream, recall turns into guessing about what the dream was all about and what was the message. At times it was very frustrating. So I learned to just relax and if my guides wanted to relay messages to me that’s very important, they would allow me to have recall. I was hoping to share more on dreams. But I’m sure there are people like me, I had to share my experiences as well. Blessings to all.
John Cali
Thank, Rene, for sharing your experiences. You’re right — there are people like you who do not recall their dreams. I think you’ve go the right approach — just trust your spirit guides.
Anne Kenyon
Hello John,
First of all Iwould like to thank you and chief Joseph for the news letters and
wonderful words of Inspiration,It is great to know that I am not going crazy I have believed in
spirituality for 40 years. I would like your opinion on a dream that my ex husband had this week, he has been diagnosed with bowel cancer, and is undergoing an operation this week.
About 30 years ago we had a beautiful german shepherd dog who was a bit of a handful but non the less a very loving dog ,one day when i was at work my husband had him put to sleep , I was devastated.
The dream was tha my ex husband died and as he put it ,went wherever it was
and when he got there he felt a sharp pain on his lower leg, looked down ,only to see the dog biting him on the leg, the dog looked at him and said thats for putting me down.
love Anne
John Cali
Hi Anne,
We appreciate your kind words about our work.
I am not a dream expert. But I think we all have the ability to become our own dream experts. So the only advice I could give your ex-husband is to ask himself, his higher self or inner guidance, the meaning of his dream.
However, I will say this: We all create our own realities, waking or dreaming. So your husband created that dream. Only he can decide the true meaning of it. I’d suggest he may be feeling guilty over having your dog put down. I don’t know that for sure. But a bit of reflection will surely make the meaning clear to him.
It is interesting that when we are told that everyone in our dreams are really us – we are literally putting our self in ‘their shoes’ – we accept that belief fairly easily, yet in our awake (no pun intended) state that belief in oneness is a hard pill to swallow and is a basis for the whole ascension process that we are currently transitioning thru into highter awareness.
Aside from not recalling most dreams, my desire for – yes I ask – prophetic dreams rarely happens [maybe it’s the recall issue]. Any insights as to how we can help this along? Or other insights as to what issues may be keeping us from having our desire or recall from happening?
John Cali
Thank you for your comments, Joseph.
Here’s my reply to a similar question from another reader:
I also used a bedside notebook for years and — like you — I could never get it work. Finally I discovered what did work — before sleeping, I simply formed the clear intent to remember all significant dreams. Then I let my higher self or spirit take it from there. That worked well.
After doing that for a while I discovered I didn’t even have to consciously form the intent each night. Dream recall just came easily and effortlessly. But I do find writing the dreams down soon after awakening helps my recall later in the day.
Hope that helps.
An interesting subject, one which I relate to as I very rarely and I mean very rarely remember a dream. I know I used to have nightmares at a young age and sleepwalk and it seems that since that time when I am fully asleep I have no recall of dreams.
I have tried the notebook by the bed and all that fun stuff with little change and now just accept that if I am meant to remember anything it will find a way to come to me! 🙂
John Cali
Thanks for your comments, Roy.
I also used a bedside notebook for years and — like you — I could never get it work. Finally I discovered what did work — before sleeping, I simply formed the clear intent to remember all significant dreams. Then I let my higher self or spirit take it from there. That worked well.
After doing that for a while I discovered I didn’t even have to consciously form the intent each night. Dream recall just came easily and effortlessly. But I do find writing the dreams down soon after awakening helps my recall later in the day.
Hope that helps.