Dreams of Home

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

A few nights ago, I had a strange dream.

I was wandering around a town in Northern Virginia, a town I lived in many years ago. The town was built around a man-made lake called Lake Anne. I was searching for the lake as I aimlessly wandered about.

Several times, I stopped to ask people if they knew where Lake Anne was. No one did.

Finally, I came across a beautiful young woman sitting on a rock. I asked her if she knew where Lake Anne was.Read more

Life Is Only About Living Your Dreams and Being Yourself

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 18

To be alive and not to know yourself is to believe that you are really dead. For what is life except to be yourself…? ~ A Course in Miracles


I think many of us postpone our dreams (and our happiness) until later. It could be when “I have the perfect partner, the bank account, the big house, etc., etc.”

That often turns into many years—or maybe never. Why? Often it’s because we are scared to death to be ourselves, to believe in ourselves.Read more

Dreams Come True, So Dream the Good Ones

posted in: Blog, channeling, manifesting | 7

Refuse to be a part of fearful dreams, whatever form they take, for you will lose identity in them. ~ A Course in Miracles



Our world is filled with fearful dreams. We need look no farther than the news headlines to get a glimpse of all the visions of horror, all the fearful dreams being dumped on humanity.

But we do not have to buy into those dreams, into that darkness. We do not have to make ourselves victims of whatever real or imaginary villains are out there.Read more

Are You Taking On Other People’s Stuff? by John Cali

Lately many of my lessons (or reminders) are coming from my dreams, particularly the vivid ones. Last night I had yet another vivid dream.

In the dream there was a large gathering at my house, including friends and family from my past and present. They were noisy and argumentative, talking almost nonstop about all their complaints and problems. It was utter chaos.

I was not involved in any of the conversations—I was just a passive observer. But I was feeling all the negative energy and turmoil.Read more

How to Know When To Get the Hell Out of There by John Cali

Last week I had a long, vivid dream. When I finally awakened from it I was drenched in sweat, and feeling emotionally drained.

The details are not important, but in the dream I was in a dangerous situation where I felt vulnerable and threatened—and stuck.

Then it dawned on me I was not stuck there—I was free to end the dream. So I decided to just get the hell out of there. I woke up immediately.

I knew such an emotionally charged dream must carry an important message for me.Read more

What Are Coincidences? by John Cali

A couple nights ago I had an unusual dream. In the dream I was visiting my hometown in New York State. I don’t remember the details, but I do remember the feeling and the energy of the dream. It was one of the most peaceful dreams I’ve ever had.

The next morning when I checked my email there was a letter from someone I grew up with in my hometown. He and I are about the same age, and our families were good friends when we were kids.Read more

What Is the Meaning of Our Dreams? by John Cali

A couple days ago a friend told me about a vivid prophetic dream she’d had. That night I also had a vivid dream. I was with one of my favorite cousins in a familiar setting — on the porch of the house in New York State where I grew up.

My cousin was making cynical, judgemental comments about a few people we both knew. I said to him “Why not assume the best about people?”

“Everybody?” he asked.

“Everybody,” I replied.… Read more