Instant Healing

posted in: channeling, healing | 5


One day I came home in the afternoon and it turned out that Johnny had lost his voice due to the heavy pollen in the air. He could barely talk.

I said “Let’s have a glass of champagne together. That will soothe your throat.”

So, we did. Johnny was telling me all kinds of things. I said: have you noticed you have been talking like normal and you only have taken two sips of the champagne?”

We both joked and laughed about it.… Read more

Cowboys, Essential Oils, and Assumptions by John Cali


I know that’s a really weird title, but please bear with me for a moment.

My good friend Pete is a Wyoming cowboy. We’ve known each other about 20 years. Pete (not his real name) and I were chatting not long ago about a physical problem he was having. He mentioned the essential oils he’d been using to help with the problem were very effective.

Now, essential oils are not exactly a mainstream medical treatment, and I’d assumed they were used mostly by folks interested in alternative spirituality.Read more