Perfect Oneness

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

Chief Joseph Highway, Wyoming, USA

The great legendary Nez Perce Chief Joseph once said, “All men were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers.”

I would, respectfully, slightly change Joseph’s words: “All people were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers and sisters.”

In today’s chaotic, contentious world, it seems oneness, particularly global oneness, is simply a distant dream, destined to remain forever only a dream.

Will we ever achieve perfect oneness on this beautiful planet of ours?Read more

Wyoming: The Wild, the Weird and the Wonderful

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 10

We are all God’s children. We are all equal….I don’t know why anyone gay or lesbian should be less a human being than I am….gay and lesbian people can be just as happy in their marriage as I am in mine. ~ former United States Senator Alan Simpson, Wyoming


Wyoming, where I live, is a most interesting place. In land area it’s the 10th largest of the 50 United States. It has fewer people than any other state. (There are more wild critters than humans.)Read more

Does Change Drive You Crazy? by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 8

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. ~ King Whitney Jr.

Spring does not come early here in the mountains of northwestern Wyoming. But the daffodils have finally begun to show their pretty faces.

daffodils-beginning-to-bloomDaffodils Beginning To Bloom

Yesterday our weather was bright, sunny, and warm.Read more

Travels in America, Part 3: Yellowstone by Hans Brockhuis

Lamar Valley at SunriseLamar Valley at Sunrise, Yellowstone National Park
Copyright © 2009 by Greg Willis

Have you ever read the book by John Steinbeck about his travels with his dog Charley, in search of the true America? I did many years ago, and remembering this it somehow triggered me to one day travel to the U.S. with my wife. I was also in search of promising and overwhelming landscapes, of people, animals, and the way of living, as well as anything that would come our way.… Read more

Life and Love Are Not For the Fainthearted by John Cali

Beartooth Pass, Wyoming USA

Life and love, with their many twists and turns, ups and downs, are like a high mountain road—not for the fainthearted.

When we know in our hearts there is a course we must follow, there is no doubt or hesitation. There is only the firm conviction this is absolutely the right course, no matter how difficult it is. And it’s always for the highest good of all involved.

In the last three months three of my close relationships have foundered and/or sunk.Read more

The Rabbit by the Side of the Road by John Cali

Copyright © Barbara Clark 2012

We’ve talked about animals in several recent posts, and we’re doing it again today.After this we’ll move on to other subjects.

A couple days ago while I was walking home after my early-morning run, I spotted a cute little rabbit by the side of the road. He didn’t run from me, as rabbits usually do. So when I got up close to him I could see his hind legs were mangled, probably from being hit by a car.Read more

He Was Just a Dog by John Cali

Image License

This week I’ve been “babysitting” my brother’s and sister-in-law’s elderly, ailing cat Caesar while they’re travelling. I had to take Caesar to his veterinarian for a checkup a couple days ago. While in the waiting room I spied a book called Animals Are Soul Too! As I scanned through the book I realized it was filled with stories of animals acting more like humans than, well, animals.

When the vet’s assistant carried Caesar back into the waiting room she looked sad.Read more

We’re All God’s Children by John Cali

That title is taken from something an American politician recently said. It’s not something you’d expect a politician to say.

As most folks all over the world know, the United States government has become a hotbed of divisiveness, partisanship, and prejudice. Politics and government have become major sources of frustration for Americans.

The American people often see their politicians as dishonest, self-serving puppets. I have no political convictions nor much interest in politics. But I am heartened by the occasional breath of fresh air.Read more

How Do You Decide To Be a Vegetarian or a Meat-Eater? by John Cali

grilling beefsteaksGrilling Beefsteaks

In our last newsletter article, The Magical Critters of Wyoming, we had a short video tour of some of Wyoming’s wild and domestic animals.

We received quite a few comments from you, our readers, as many of you are animal lovers. Several of you mentioned vegetarianism. I know the issue of being a vegetarian versus being a meat-eater can be a contentious one.

I personally am vegetarian. But I never try to impose my views on others. As my spirit guides have said, this is an issue each of us must decide for ourselves, based on our personal beliefs and values—and we have no right to judge or criticize those different from us.Read more

The Magical Critters of Wyoming by John Cali, Barbara Clark, and Spirit

Wyoming deerWyoming Deer

Today Barbara Clark and one of my spirit guides talk about her experiences with the wild creatures of Wyoming.

If you’ve been with us a while, you know my spirit guides are fond of talking about animals—particularly about what great teachers and healers they are for us humans.

Barbara was here in Wyoming in summer 2012. In this video discussion, recorded after she returned to Scotland, she talks to my guide to get his perspective on the magical critters of Wyoming.Read more

Cold-Blooded Murder by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 66

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Boot Hill Tombstone Arizona

Graves of men killed in gunfight at OK Corral
Boot Hill, Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 1881
Copyright © 2005 by Grombo

I realize that’s a strange title for a spiritual blog and website. Let me explain.

In our small town, a week ago today, two teenage boys shot and killed three people for no reason other than to steal their car.Read more

What Is Your Relationship with Animals? Part 2 by John Cali

We received some interesting responses to our recent blog post, What Is Your Relationship with Animals?

Although everyone responding was polite and respectful, there were wide differences of opinion—particularly around the issues of animal cruelty, meat-eating versus vegetarianism, etc.

These same issues loom large here in Wyoming where I live. After all, agriculture, including cattle ranching, is the livelihood of many Wyoming folks. However, in my very unscientific observations, I’ve seen many people turning to vegetarianism, even here. So we have widely varying opinions and lifestyles.Read more

Cowboys, Essential Oils, and Assumptions by John Cali


I know that’s a really weird title, but please bear with me for a moment.

My good friend Pete is a Wyoming cowboy. We’ve known each other about 20 years. Pete (not his real name) and I were chatting not long ago about a physical problem he was having. He mentioned the essential oils he’d been using to help with the problem were very effective.

Now, essential oils are not exactly a mainstream medical treatment, and I’d assumed they were used mostly by folks interested in alternative spirituality.Read more