What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? by John Cali & Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 18

Achievable goals are the first step to self-improvement. ~ J.K. Rowling



According to a survey by the Australian company, finder.com, the most common reason people fail to keep new year’s resolutions is setting unrealistic goals. And about 10% of the survey participants said they made too many resolutions.

Sound familiar? I did all that for many years. But no more.

Most new year’s resolutions are focused on changing things about ourselves we don’t like. How about if we turn that around and start appreciating all the things we love about ourselves?

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After You Read This You’ll Never Need To Make Another New Year Resolution Again by John Cali and Spirit


I pretty much gave up making new year resolutions years ago. But I’m making an exception for 2014. This year I’m resolving, simply, to love myself as I’ve never loved me before.

Here are some of my Spirit’s and my random thoughts on how we can all do just that.

  • The past is over. The future does not exist. Be here now—it’s all you have.
  • The only reason to look back at the past is to help you appreciate how far you have come.

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