Spirit’s Friday Frolics for July 6, 2012 by John Cali

This isn’t exactly a comedy video. But it is funny. I think you’ll find it uplifting and inspiring, as I did.



What are thoughts about Dorothy Custer? Please comment below.

We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us. Please keep your comments polite and relevant to the topic of this blog post. If needed, we’ll edit for clarity. Also, we’ll delete anything we consider inappropriate.… Read more

Spirit’s Friday Frolics for June 29, 2012 by John Cali


This is our second edition of Spirit’s Friday Frolics, a weekly blog post published every Friday.

As we all know, laughing and having fun are good for us. Spirit has talked about this many times. Here are a few snippets:

Laughing is one of the most powerful ways to feel good, and to heal. Best of all, it’s freely available to you at any moment you choose. Make your life a laughing matter. Then you will soar.

Your life is supposed to be fun.… Read more

Spirit’s Friday Frolics for June 22, 2012 by John Cali

This week we’re starting something new: Spirit’s Friday Frolics. This will be a weekly blog post, published every Friday.

As we all know, laughing and having fun are good for us. Spirit has talked about this many times. Here are a few snippets:

Laughing is one of the most powerful ways to feel good, and to heal. Best of all, it’s freely available to you at any moment you choose. Make your life a laughing matter. Then you will soar.… Read more