The Ebb and Flow of Relationships

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 6

You will never truly know yourself or the strength of your relationships until both have been tested by adversity. ~ J.K. Rowling


When I was much younger, I naively thought relationships were always supposed to be only love and light. Did I ever get that wrong!


Today we shall discuss a subject of great interest to many of you. And one which creates great challenges for most of you.

There is little question human relationships are a source of deep fulfillment and joy, and yet also of many opportunities for learning.Read more

Spirit Talks About Romantic Love by John Cali

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Today, June 20, my beloved partner, Barbara Clark, and I are celebrating our anniversary. As a gift to ourselves, and hopefully to others also, Barbara had a conversation with my spirit guides about romantic love.

Since the very word, “romance,” is sometimes misunderstood and misused, Barbara and I prefer the term, “spiritual partnership.” We believe it’s a more accurate description of the relationships many of us on a spiritual path have today.

Relationships, romantic or not, are always opportunities to grow and evolve—and to gain greater understanding of who we really are and our connection to Spirit.Read more

How To Attract Your Soul Mate by John Cali

One of the most common issues people bring to us in personal readings is romantic relationships—an appropriate subject for today, Valentine’s Day.

People usually ask us how to find a romantic relationship, and then how to handle it after they’ve got “the tiger by the tail.”

Here are some thoughts from Spirit:

If you wish to attract your perfect lover, you must first become your own perfect lover. The law of attraction says like attracts like. You have many ways of expressing that—the rich get richer, the better it gets the better it gets, birds of a feather flock together, etc.Read more

The Challenges of Romantic Relationships by John Cali


Romantic_sunsetRomantic Sunset
Image © 2013 by rabiem


One of the biggest issues folks want to talk about, especially in personal readings with my spirit guides, is relationships—particularly romantic relationships. As we all know, even the closest, most loving relationships have their challenges, their ups and downs.

Here is a perspective on romantic relationships from one of my spirit guides:

Remember what you felt at the outset: the passion, the pleasure, the sheer joy of being in each other’s physical presence.Read more

Learning To Love Yourself by John Cali

Do you love yourself unconditionally? If you’re like most of us, the answer is almost certainly “No.” Are you looking for that “one and only” romantic relationship? Many folks are.

Spirit has said, many times, if we don’t fall head-over-heels in love with ourselves first we can never love others well.

This is a funny video with a serious message. I think you’ll enjoy it. (Beware, however, especially if you’re sensitive – the video has some rough language.)

Do you feel comfortable with the idea of falling head-over-heels in love with yourself?… Read more

Wholeness by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling | 14

We’ve talked about this subject many times before, but it keeps coming up in my conversations with folks. The other day a friend referred to his wife as his “better half.” It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that expression, and I do not like it any better now than I did long ago.

Are we really incomplete, only half a person, without another, especially a romantic partner? I know many folks, including me, who’ve lived happily alone for years.… Read more

Are You Complete? by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling | 6

Many years ago a young lady (I’ll call her “Karen”) wrote me because she was deeply concerned about her mother’s well-being.

The mother was single, and Karen desperately wanted her to find a romantic partner and “live happily ever after.” But she didn’t know what she could do to help her mom.

Karen said she’d been anxiously worrying and fearing the worst. The worst being, in Karen’s view, that her mother would live out the rest of her life with no man.… Read more

Romantic Relationships by John Cali

As you already know, romantic relationships are a popular topic among us humans. The topic comes up often in conversations I have with many folks. Many times my spirit guides have said  relationships, romantic or not, can be delightful or devastating. Either way they are always opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.… Read more