Anger: It’s Time To Let It Go

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

In our modern world there is, arguably, more anger on many fronts than in recent memory.

A reader sent us these thoughts:
“I ask as I struggle, after being wronged by others, to let go of anger and move on to focusing on the joy/challenge of living the rest of my life. How do you deal with injustice and find peace?


You have never been “wronged” by anyone. Every relationship, every circumstance you have ever experienced in this or any other lifetime is purely a co-creation when it involves others.Read more

Remember, Reclaim, Reconnect

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 0

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions. ~ Anthony J. DiAngelo, The College Blue Book



Is there someone in your life you have, perhaps, forgotten? Is there some precious memory you have released and want to reclaim? Maybe now’s the time to remember, reclaim and reconnect.

Spirit gave me this message early one dark and cold, snowy morning earlier this week. It’s one of their shortest ever.


This moment on your planet may seem the worst of all times. But, actually, it’s the best of all times.Read more

The Ebb and Flow of Relationships

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 6

You will never truly know yourself or the strength of your relationships until both have been tested by adversity. ~ J.K. Rowling


When I was much younger, I naively thought relationships were always supposed to be only love and light. Did I ever get that wrong!


Today we shall discuss a subject of great interest to many of you. And one which creates great challenges for most of you.

There is little question human relationships are a source of deep fulfillment and joy, and yet also of many opportunities for learning.Read more

A Note To a Friend

To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship. ~ Thomas Moore, 1779-1852

Hands_Holding2Image by Vicki Nunn

Our recent post, The Prayer of God, received some really nice comments from you, our dear readers. One of you asked if we had any more articles by the anonymous writer. Since then I’ve found several more.

We’re publishing one of those today. It’s similar in tone to The Prayer of God. I hope you’ll like it.

A Note To a Friend

Late at night, when the bottle is run dry,
the last lights welcoming the dark,
and your thoughts drifting towards sweet dreams,
I’ll be dreaming of you.… Read more

Life and Love Are Not For the Fainthearted by John Cali

Beartooth Pass, Wyoming USA

Life and love, with their many twists and turns, ups and downs, are like a high mountain road—not for the fainthearted.

When we know in our hearts there is a course we must follow, there is no doubt or hesitation. There is only the firm conviction this is absolutely the right course, no matter how difficult it is. And it’s always for the highest good of all involved.

In the last three months three of my close relationships have foundered and/or sunk.Read more

Do You Think Homosexuality Is Unnatural—or Wrong? by John Cali

Two gay men

Even in this era of dramatic transformation on our planet and in our human consciousness, there are still places where we hang on tightly to outdated ideas that just don’t work anymore. Or perhaps never did.

One of those is certainly the whole area of human sexuality, especially homosexuality.

I personally find it encouraging that we are at least talking more openly than ever before about these issues, especially homosexuality.

Even in conservative places like Wyoming, where I live, there is more open discussion—more willingness to see life from other people’s perspectives.Read more

Relationships – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly by John Cali

Image Credits

One of the most challenging and yet rewarding parts of our human lives is relationships. None of us need reminders of that—it’s all too obvious.

But what is the true purpose of relationships? In my opinion, relationships are marvelous opportunities to express who we truly are—they are always, with no exceptions, great vehicles for personal and spiritual growth.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • All relationships have at least two different perspectives because you are all unique.
  • One key to successful relationships is allowing the differences without being threatened by them.

Read more

The Challenges of Romantic Relationships by John Cali


Romantic_sunsetRomantic Sunset
Image © 2013 by rabiem


One of the biggest issues folks want to talk about, especially in personal readings with my spirit guides, is relationships—particularly romantic relationships. As we all know, even the closest, most loving relationships have their challenges, their ups and downs.

Here is a perspective on romantic relationships from one of my spirit guides:

Remember what you felt at the outset: the passion, the pleasure, the sheer joy of being in each other’s physical presence.Read more

Can You Accept Your Life Exactly As It Is Right Now? by John Cali

Many years ago I had a dear friend who was about the unhappiest person I’ve ever known. Charlie (not his real name) was a successful businessman. But his personal and family relationships were rocky.

Charlie’s problem, simply stated, was people. He just could not accept most people as they were. He was an expert at finding something wrong with them. And, of course, he found little about himself to like, despite his worldly success.

His life was often a living hell.Read more

Learning To Love Yourself by John Cali

Do you love yourself unconditionally? If you’re like most of us, the answer is almost certainly “No.” Are you looking for that “one and only” romantic relationship? Many folks are.

Spirit has said, many times, if we don’t fall head-over-heels in love with ourselves first we can never love others well.

This is a funny video with a serious message. I think you’ll enjoy it. (Beware, however, especially if you’re sensitive – the video has some rough language.)

Do you feel comfortable with the idea of falling head-over-heels in love with yourself?… Read more

Wholeness by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling | 14

We’ve talked about this subject many times before, but it keeps coming up in my conversations with folks. The other day a friend referred to his wife as his “better half.” It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that expression, and I do not like it any better now than I did long ago.

Are we really incomplete, only half a person, without another, especially a romantic partner? I know many folks, including me, who’ve lived happily alone for years.… Read more

Through the Eyes of Compassion by John Cali

posted in: Articles, Blog | 3

John Cali

I’ve had some recent challenges in a couple of my personal relationships. As Spirit often says, relationships are marvelous opportunities for growth.

At an earlier time I would have reacted very differently than I did with these recent “opportunities for growth.” I would have lashed out angrily in reaction to the others’ behavior. This time I didn’t.

I’m not sure exactly how I managed this. But I do know I was able to see the other people as I knew my higher self saw them.… Read more

Forgetfulness by John Cali

Dr. Bernie Siegel tells a wonderful story about his marriage. Years ago he fell off his roof, hitting his head on the pavement. He developed amnesia from the injury. He said the amnesia dramatically improved his marriage with his wife Bobbie. But when his memory returned, he sought marriage counseling.

Fascinating story! After I thought about it, I realized what Bernie’s underlying message was. If we simply forget (or, in this case, cannot remember) all our past baggage, our relationships automatically improve.… Read more

Romantic Relationships by John Cali

As you already know, romantic relationships are a popular topic among us humans. The topic comes up often in conversations I have with many folks. Many times my spirit guides have said  relationships, romantic or not, can be delightful or devastating. Either way they are always opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.… Read more

Growth Opportunity #1 by John Cali

My spirit guides recently suggested we do regular postings of “growth opportunities.” What they meant was regularly sharing my personal challenges and insights with all of you. Challenges, as they define them, are opportunities for growth. They generally result in new insights. Here’s the first one:… Read more