How Much Would You Pay To Live Forever?

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You may have heard about the American billionaires searching for eternal life. Not the eternal life religion teaches, but eternal life in a physical body. They’re sinking many millions of dollars into what may be the biggest waste of money ever dreamed up by humans.


We’ve talked about this subject before. You humans seem to be insanely driven by this (in our opinion, wasteful) search for eternal life.

Here are just a few (out of many) of our thoughts about living forever:

  • Achieving eternal life is an impossible dream.

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The New Year

posted in: Blog, channeling | 4

In 1977, Mother Teresa visited the four founders of the Foundation for Inner Peace. (As you may know, the foundation is the publisher of A Course in Miracles.)

In their conversation, the group talked about all the sadness and suffering in our modern world. Mother Teresa said, “…it is actually a disease….” The others asked her if there was any cure. She replied, “Yes. The cure is called love, and thank God it is contagious.”

What a great reply!Read more

Turning Hate Into Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 10

Whether one is Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian, how you live your life is proof that you are or not fully His. We cannot condemn or judge or pass words that will hurt people. We don’t know in what way God is appearing to that soul and what God is drawing that soul to. Therefore, who are we to condemn anybody? ~ Mother Teresa

Twenty years ago this month, a young man named Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered here in Wyoming.Read more

March 2016 Prayers for Peace

posted in: Blog, channeling, peace on earth | 8


Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace

During 2016, we will occasionally feature the peace prayers of the 12 classical world religions, and several other prominent peace prayers. Today’s post is the third of this series.


In 2016 I believe we will see peace on earth, or at least more meaningful movement toward it. But when we look at our world, especially as reflected in the mainstream news media, peace on earth might seem like an impossible dream.

I’ve chased impossible dreams all my life.Read more

Your Destiny Is Joy by John Cali and Spirit

Joy is prayer. Joy is strength. Joy is love. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. ~ Mother Teresa

A couple days ago I read a poll taken recently on depression. Among its other findings, the poll said the time of year many folks are least depressed is right now–the holiday season.

It doesn’t matter whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Epiphany–or don’t celebrate at all. This is the season of joy. And joy, apparently, is contagious, regardless of what you believe or do not believe.Read more

Why Aren’t We Winning Any Wars? by John Cali and Spirit

Tombstones_at_Arlington_National_Cemetery,_July_2006United States military cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, USA

In today’s world we seem to have a war on everything we consider undesirable.

We have a war on poverty, a war on drugs, a war on ignorance, a war on crime, a war on disease—not to mention the wars we wage against countries and people we disagree with.

What often strikes me most is the war on disease. I read a lot of obituaries—not out of any morbid sense of curiosity, but just an interest in knowing who’s moved on to their next adventure.Read more

Do You Know How Powerful Your Words and Thoughts Are? by John Cali and Spirit

Mother_Teresa_1985_croppedKind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

Are you aware of how powerful and life-changing your thoughts and words can be? I am not always—so I can use occasional reminders.

Our words and thoughts carry their own unique energies and vibrations.

Here are some thoughts and words from Spirit, in no particular order.

  • Where you put your attention or focus is where you are—and what you are focused upon will be affected, positively or negatively.

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How Effective Are the Protests Against Monsanto? by John Cali

Mother Teresa

When asked if she’d participate in an anti-war rally, Mother Teresa said she would not. But, she said, she would participate in a peace rally.

One of our readers asked us if the protests against Monsanto are helping or hurting the efforts to remove genetically modified organisms from our food supply. Unless you’ve been meditating on a mountaintop the past few years, you know about this bitter controversy.

Here’s is the reader’s email:

Hi John,

I so enjoy reading your blog.Read more

Are You Happy? by John Cali

Spirit and I have talked about happiness many times over the years. Although they and I firmly believe we were meant to be happy in this lifetime, no matter what our circumstances, I know so few truly happy people. Often that’s because they look for happiness where they will never find it.

Today I want to share with you some of my favorite happiness quotations:

  • Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.

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