Thoughts on Life after Death

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 16

I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no death the way we understood it. The body dies, but not the soul. ~ Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


We received some deeply moving comments on last week’s post, Life and Death. It’s obviously a subject of universal interest , as sooner or later, it touches us all.

Teresa, one of our readers, sent us her thoughts on the passing of her grandfather. With her permission, we’re publishing her touching story this week.Read more

The Power of Love

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 8

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will finally know peace. ~ Jimi Hendrixlove-is-power

Many years ago, one of my spirit guides said the sole purpose of humans is two-fold: first, to remember who they are and second, to remember why they are here.


One of the aspects of love is a choice you can freely make—the choice to see the divinity in all beings, in all that is.

Every thought of love and compassion you hold soothes and nurtures the world around you.Read more

Living In The Maze of Today’s World Is Easier If You Know You Are God by John Cali

This week’s article is adapted from a talk my spirit guides and I gave last week at Awakening Zone Radio.


Peace be with you!

We are delighted to be here tonight in this particular connection. We trust our words will resonate with you—and perhaps give you a greater sense, and a deeper sense, of who you really are.

Often the folks we talk with give “lip service” to the idea they are God, they are divine energy. When we remind them, some will say “Yes, BUT….”—andRead more