Judge Not, For You Never Know

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

How often have we (ALL of us) judged another without knowing the pain they were feeling?


You have a saying that goes something like this: Never judge another till you have walked a mile in their shoes.

You have all walked many miles, in this lifetime and others. In some of those lifetimes you’ve walked alone. In others, you’ve walked together.

But we would ask you, as you walk through this lifetime, to imagine what it’s like for others, especially those who walk beside you.Read more

Behind The Scenes

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 1

The other day, Berna and I were discussing several families we know with foster or adopted children.

The children, for reasons not always obvious, often face unusually daunting challenges. Sometimes as children, as adults, or both.



It is often tempting for humans to judge others. In fact, judgement is one of the greatest weaknesses most humans have.

You have a saying that goes something like this:
“You can never know another person’s path until you have walked a mile in their shoes.”Read more

Judgement After Death

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 4


The only way you will ever live fully in the visible world is to acknowledge the reality of the invisible world. ~ Spirit

As humans with limited vision, we often ask ourselves, “Will I face judgement after death?” Spirit’s answer, below, likely will sound harsh to some. But the message is clear.


Many of you, including Johnny, grew up in deceptive, manipulative religious cultures. You learned to fear God, to fear Satan, to fear life, to fear death. Above all, you learned to fear judgement after death.Read more

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Angry God

Forgiveness is God’s command. ~ Martin Luther

I grew up in an oppressive religious environment, as I know many of you did. I can think of stronger words. But “oppressive” will do for now.

One of my church’s most prominent teachings painted an image of God as a fierce and vengeful old white man. If you didn’t do as he said (really, what the church said he said), you were headed for hell and eternal damnation.

Sound familiar?



You have undoubtedly heard much about forgiveness, especially if you travel in spiritual circles.Read more

Non-Judgement Day by John Cali

One of my favorite quotations from A Course in Miracles is “Today I will judge nothing that occurs.” That’s a tough one for most of us.

I occasionally take a day to observe the ways I can be judgemental, and then consciously drop all judgement. I call it non-judgement day.

Here are some words of advice from Spirit.

If you could all rid your world and yourselves of judgement, you could create a much different world than you’re experiencing today. Judgement, harsh criticism, refusing to understand the paths of others — these all create more havoc in your world than all of your other perceived problems combined.… Read more