Dark Energy and Life’s Other Challenges by John Cali and Spirit

NGC_3021_HubbleDark Energy
Image by NASA

A few days ago I spent several long hours in the hospital. Not because there was anything wrong with me. I just had go for a yearly eye exam, and my doctor’s office is in a hospital.

I had to wait for the results of the various eye tests they did. (Everything was fine.) While I was waiting I could not help but overhear the other folks also waiting there. Virtually all of them were talking about everything that’s “wrong” with their bodies.Read more

Negative Energy by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Over the years, my spirit guides have talked often about negativity and negative energy. How do we deal with negativity? Is there an easy way to do it? Or is it always complicated and difficult?

Well, those of you who’ve been with us a while know how simple and easy Spirit says life really is. It’s our human limitations (all self-imposed) that make it seem complicated and hard.… Read more