Is This the Age of Too Much Information? by John Cali

Free Range Eggs

Did you know eggs can kill you? The other day I saw a short news video about a new study. It concluded egg yolks are almost as dangerous to your health as smoking. That surprised the hell out of me!

The two newscasters cited other, conflicting, studies, some of which concluded eggs were perfectly safe. In moderation, of course.

Those of you who follow food and nutrition news know this controversy has been raging for years.

So what are ordinary folks like you and me supposed to do?… Read more

How To Live A Healthy Life by John Cali

My spirit guides often have wise advice for those of us still in physical bodies. Here’s a summary of their advice for living a healthy life.

  • Meditate regularly. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Regularity is more important than length.
  • Pay attention to your breathing. Your breath is your most powerful connection to your soul. That’s why conscious breathing and meditation go well together.
  • Pay attention to what you put into your physical body. Eat food as close as possible to its natural state.

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