Too Good To Be True

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The other day, my friend Joe was at my house helping me with some minor household repairs. Since he owns eight rental houses, he’s good at that sort of thing. I’m not.

After we finished, Joe told me of a conversation he’d recently had with his brother Pete. Pete asked Joe how everything was going at his rental properties. “Fine,” Joe replied. “Couldn’t be better. We have good people renting from us, and, lately, no maintenance problems at all. Seems too good to be true.”Read more

Did Your Family Give You Bad Genes? by John Cali

When I was growing up there was a belief among most of my family that certain illnesses were genetic. I bought into that belief for many years—until I realized it simply wasn’t true.

Our large Italian family had many folks with heart problems. Most of them, including my father, eventually died from heart disorders. Was that genetic? I don’t think so.

I had a dear cousin who was convinced he would die from a heart attack at the age of 55—the same age his father had died of a heart attack.Read more

Do You Have a Bad Back? By Barbara Clark

Introduction By John Cali

How many people do you know with “bad” backs? If you’re like me, probably plenty. In fact, when I was younger I used to have nagging, persistent back pain.

In today’s post, Barbara Clark talks about her healing work—specifically, her experience in helping folks with back pain.

Here’s Barbara:

After my article, Are You Burying Your Head in the Sand?, was published many people asked how they could get themselves out of the way and allow their bodies to heal.Read more

How To Breathe by John Cali

Sounds like a silly title, doesn’t it? Breathing is the most natural process, requiring no conscious attention to it. But most of us don’t know how to breathe well. Nor do we know how to tap into the tremendous power of simple breathing.

My spirit guides often recommend conscious, deliberate breathing exercises, especially to those with anxiety, fear, and other similar issues.


One of the biggest challenges you face in your modern world is stress. Your technology, as powerful and useful as it is, is one major source of stress in your lives.… Read more

The Myth of Deterioration by John Cali

Almost two months ago we published a blog post called Destined To Deteriorate. I was reminded of that post a few days ago as I was reading an article about aging.

One of the folks interviewed for the article, a medical doctor, said it was virtually inevitable, if we live long enough, we will all fall apart mentally and physically. As he put it, eventually we end up as the patients of some medical practitioner or other.

I was turned off by the good doctor’s comments.… Read more

Would You Believe You Can Be Happy in Westfield? by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 8

I grew up in Westfield, a farming village on the shores of Lake Erie. It’s a delightful, friendly little town. I lived there happily for many years.

An old childhood friend of mine, who also grew up in Westfield, was fond of “bashing” the town after she moved far away. She would criticize those of our family and friends who chose to live out their lives in Westfield, calling them “stupid failures.” She didn’t see how they could possibly be happy there.… Read more

Romantic Relationships by John Cali

As you already know, romantic relationships are a popular topic among us humans. The topic comes up often in conversations I have with many folks. Many times my spirit guides have said  relationships, romantic or not, can be delightful or devastating. Either way they are always opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.… Read more

Growth Opportunity #1 by John Cali

My spirit guides recently suggested we do regular postings of “growth opportunities.” What they meant was regularly sharing my personal challenges and insights with all of you. Challenges, as they define them, are opportunities for growth. They generally result in new insights. Here’s the first one:… Read more

How To Live A Healthy Life by John Cali

My spirit guides often have wise advice for those of us still in physical bodies. Here’s a summary of their advice for living a healthy life.

  • Meditate regularly. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Regularity is more important than length.
  • Pay attention to your breathing. Your breath is your most powerful connection to your soul. That’s why conscious breathing and meditation go well together.
  • Pay attention to what you put into your physical body. Eat food as close as possible to its natural state.

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Is Food Your Friend or Foe? by John Cali

There are so many articles about food on the internet today, it’s often mind-boggling. The articles cover just about every food subject you can imagine: dieting (a big one), additives, preservatives, processing, genetic modifying, vegetarianism, etc. etc.

Are you confused? I can certainly understand if you are. Even the “experts” seem confused at times. I’ve got friends and family who analyze their food endlessly before they dare to take a bite. I used to be that way myself. I’m a vegetarian now, and that certainly makes things a little simpler.… Read more