Life Is Supposed to Be Fun by John Cali

We talked about Seth and Jane Roberts in two earlier blog articles: Are You A Victim of Yourself? and Can We Travel To Other Dimensions?

Our title today is one of the Seth concepts I adopted when I first started reading the Seth books many years ago. It’s a tough concept for many folks to accept. How can this valley of tears possibly be fun?… Read more

Can We Travel to Other Dimensions? by John Cali

In our last blog post we spoke of Jane Roberts and her spirit guide, Seth.

To me, one of the most intriguing Seth concepts is we are multidimensional beings. Our past, present, and future selves exist in the present moment, in “simultaneous time.” And they communicate with each other, each from their own dimension. Most of us call these our reincarnational selves.… Read more

Violence by John Cali

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Years ago the first spiritual books (that is, non-religious books) I read were from Seth. Seth, I’m sure many of you know, is a spirit guide channeled by the late Jane Roberts. Seth was my introduction to channeling and alternative spirituality. I loved virtually everything he said.

Among the many principles Seth taught, several are an important part of my spiritual path and work today. One of those principles is “Violence is never justified.”… Read more