The Dark Side of God

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

I’m sure our title caught your attention. Does God really have a dark side?

We’ve talked before about the legendary Brazilian spiritual healer, John of God. What you may not know is John is now serving a prison sentence of almost 20 years. At his age, that’s effectively a life sentence.

Although his healing work is being carried on now by others, John is no longer part of the work, for obvious reasons.

So how did such a talented, genuine healer come to such an end?Read more

The Fear of Death: Sequel by John Cali


We had some great responses to our last newsletter article, The Fear of Death.

One comment Spirit made in that article is a tough one for many folks to accept. Here’s what they said:

Death does not exist. Let go of the fear of death, and then you will soar.”

At least several people were upset by what Spirit and I said in that article. Here are one person’s comments (unedited):

Just simply let go. Ah geez is that all I have to do?Read more